drunken idiot can't find it
Does anyone know what thread has photo's of feb, willowbank bike shootout. - I am too daft to remember

Might be too old. ( the thread I mean )
try this one Mr. Floppy

p083.ezboard.com/faustralianhayabusaclubfrm33.showMessage?topicID=57.topic Cheers Bill

The Blingaholic

thanks mate.

You up for a local ride on sunday?
depends on time you wanna leave i have to be at my sons footy game at 9 am he plays at 10 am home by 11:30 am hopefully so let me know what your plans are see if i can get there oh actually i still have no back wheel on my bike damn must get new tyre tomorrow lol Cheers Bill

The Blingaholic

No early start, short ride, I'll ring ya.
Any other brisso's keen, post up or PM
me and I'll sort it out early sun morm.
Maybe lunch meet-up at a pub 4 food,
then quick arvo ride
bumpety bump.

Goodnight all

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