Still as popular as ever.......the used Busa!
Every week or so I ride down to Elizabeth St to check out what's on offer in the bike shops

PS Melbourne invariably has a used busa on the floor. (There's two early models there now, one sold). Without fail that bike is either gone or has a sold sticker on it after a only a fortnight or so, unlike the growing army of used Ducati's, MV's & lesser lights gathering dust months later

You should grab one when you get a chance
PS Ringwood had 2 '99ers a few weeks ago asking 12.990, a copper and a red/black. dunno if they still have them but theyre still commanding a respectable price for them.
PS City are asking $13,990 for a 99 blue silver with 20K on the clock
There is an 02 Silver/Blue in todays Newcastle paper with loads of extras for $12,990 as well.

I'm not using it anyway!
A wrecker in Silver water often has them for around $7000!
those 1999 busa hold their value quite well... when you compare them with a gixxers and CBR's

I guess thats what you should expect coming from such a classy bike.. Regards

Bling Parts Australia

My pride and joy
well asking price and what they actually end up selling for can be a big difference and we cant know what prices theyre selling for. Having said that I reckon the '99 and '00's must be recognised as highly desirable even if for only the ego of 350 speedo and advertised unrestricted, that must be a strong drawcard to some. Ive ridden a couple of the newer models and I have to say my '99 copper is more of a beast, bit rougher perhaps but a true beast. then maybe its all in my mind. I just wont part with my '99 and that might be another reason why they command a higher price, ppl dont wanna part with them.
anythings for sale volvi(but my arse),just sold my copper busa for the same price i payed for it 5 years ago,much happier with my black 05,looks heaps better ,cheers...
The End!
hehe gdy, onya gforce for no loss on the sale but you only mentioned "looks heaps better" hope it wasnt a blue/silver.
Naa Volvi.... he mentioned it was black, and is thus well described by the wording "heaps better". From this, we can at least work out what he didn't buy. Firstly, we know his arse isn't for sale, so obviously he didn't get a copper one. He didn't mention polish and bling so its not a red/black or a blue/black. If it was blue/silver, he would have said something more like "Gods own colour combination" or "The most awesomely beautiful bike on earth"... etc etc, but he didn't, so it isn't a blue/silver.

I'd take a guess and say he got the fastest colour - black/purple, but thats just a guess.

Disclaimer - I'd like to apologise to all copper owners - except simmo - for the "arse not for sale" comment. Please understand that that comment was not meant to insult anyone - except simmo - or denigrate, call sexuality into question or cause any other form of aggrievement to any copper owners - except simmo. Its just that simmo and I have this good humoured running rivalry thing going and I find it so satisfying to poke him with a stick every so often. I realise that by doing this, I may inadvertantly make other copper busa riders irate and this disclaimer is designed to explain my position and hopefully avoid a sound and rather painful beating. If there is any way in which I can further ingratiate myself to all copper riders - except simmo - please do not hesitate to let me know as grovelling does not come easily and I may need some pointers. Thanks for your understanding. The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob
ahh so he did mention black. hummm the black/purple one also known as the bruised color.

astro funny good stuff but at 1;40am? now we have to analyse that. either she kicked you outa bed or there aint no she and you were bored outa your copper arse. hehe.
Volvi.... I'd just gotten home. She had kicked me out, but that was just because she needed to be able to walk in the morning. The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob
You are so dead Astroviffa
All the Copper owners will soon unite and come give you a good kicking until you turn a nice shade of Copper: bi

ps any Copper riders looking to call into the Road Warriors for an Astro burger on the weekend.

Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just copy 'busas!!!!!
(Previously posted witty retort removed)

It was bloody funny tho....

I'm still laughing about it.

Yes, I'll be at Road Warriors on Sunday.
The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... RobEdited by: AstroBusa at: 20/3/06 3:26 pm

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