If anyone would like to buy the busa Workshop manual and parts fiche on 1 single DVD-rom for $20 inc postage email me at warren@ctrl-alt-del.com.au. Genuine people only please. Will post anywhere in Aus. To view the DVD-rom you need a DVD-rom player in your computer. <i></i>
$20 a shot! I might have made some money. <i></i>
Thx Warren but no thx, if you would have bothered reading up the threads we have already passed it around to all........FOR FREE......this thread will self destruct within 5 days. <i></i>
C'mon guys. There must be over a hundred people on here who would want one of these, - not to mention all the other 'busa sites. <i></i>
Dear Woz, Love to get a copy of CD, address is 77 Ronald St Devonport Tas 7310. Can I send a cheque?
Regards Tony. <i></i>
Tony, get a free one on this thread...
hayabusa cd <i></i>
I forgot to kill this thread, this thread will self destruct in.............? <i></i>