Moooftee/ Dickhead
Anyone listsen or look at this muslim leader rubbish the country he lives in (Australia) and then turns around and said the muslim has more wright to be hear than anyone else. I think its a bout time someone got this fucker and his followers and move them back to were ever. Cheers,
I work next to a muslim all day long. We get along pretty well. I love it when the moof mucks up though. I get to ask him the hard questions.
That's the thing, moderate Muslims are generally pretty damn embarassed by this idiot. I always love the interview they do with the head of the Australian Muslim Association. Every time the mufti makes some blatantly inflamatory statement, he has to get on tv and apologise and try to make people realise that he does not speak for the entire comunity.
I think ALL there apologies are full of shit. Just a front for what they are fearfull of,thats is being caught out raising funds for there nutter friends "Over There". Cheers,
so cause my dads muslim he is raising funds for terrorism aye ray??? M109R for sale PM me for a good time oops i mean deal
This sort of knobhead mouthpiece who is supposed to represent the muslim community is only making things worse because most of the young muslim men (not all) are very easily influenced by this sort of garbage and it only incites more trouble from both sides and unfortunately makes it very hard for the muslim people who do won't a new peaceful start in life in Australia, personally I think if he continues this sort of crap he should be deported and I'm sure there is an intelligent professional muslim representitive out there who would love to see things right.
Ok getting of my soap box now

Cheers Steve.
Quote:so cause my dads muslim he is raising funds for terrorism aye ray???

I wouldnt want to suggest he is, but it is of course possible.
thats a shit house generalisation. and dont say me or any of my family support terrorism thats just f****d up. M109R for sale PM me for a good time oops i mean dealEdited by: DAN85 at: 12/1/07 20:01
where is the generalisation? hope you are not referring to me, because your dad or any other religous person could be raising funds, so could a non religous person, white, black, aust, asian, european.... so on...

It was you that made the generalisation yourself, and I can quote.....

Quote:so cause my dads muslim he is raising funds for terrorism aye ray???

in my observation within this thread, all comments until

Quote:so cause my dads muslim he is raising funds for terrorism aye ray???

were in relation to an individual, not a generalisation before someone made it one.

Rays comments
Quote:I think ALL there apologies are full of shit. Just a front for what they are fearfull of,thats is being caught out raising funds for there nutter friends "Over There".

In context of his intial comments
Quote:this fucker and his followers
are also not a generalisation

It's about time individuals took responsibility for their own actions and its about time people let individuals take responsibility for their actions rather than making everything their own.

I have to take responsibility for what im posting right now and will even if its not liked.. Its not a reflection on all Hayabusa club memebers even if someone wants to make it that.. .ok.. I've made my point...

Edited by: AzaVic at: 13/1/07 10:14
It's just the sort of thing this nutter is trying to generate! People listen to this prick and then start doing excatly what we've done, cause a bit of strife. He's won! The way to beat the idiot is to attack him and him alone.
There's no doubt people raising money. Some, probably most of the funds are raised through Muslim organisations, but that's no different to the funding that went on for years through the catholic church supporting the IRA. Quite a few if not most of the organisation members may have no idea of where their money is going. A pox on all of them that raise funds and then sit back feeling they have helped the cause.
This dickhead Hilaly making the comments is all about causing friction, causing hatred, and in a sense he's winning looking at what's coming through this thread! It's called a tactic! He isn't stupid, he knows exactly what he's doing and what he's saying and it's all a deliberate campaign. Pretty effective too!
ban religion I say!
Being that I'm half Swede I say we need Thor and Odin in there to sort out this mess then we can all sit down to a feast and drink shit loads of beer
arrrrgghhh..... where's my wench

To have this joker say what he thinks then apologise all the time is bullshit.He is voicing the thoughts of the masses(of his people,which in private they agree with)then his people publicly disowning the view.Its like getting drunk,saying what you really think,then blaming the grog.As they seem to be anti anglo views it just proves who always starts a fight.Australians are pretty boring because we mind our own business and generally don,t start trouble,but given enough shit we will stand up and be counted.I don,t understand why there life has to so full of an aggressive attitude.Oh thats right its there duty as muslims to turn wherever they live into a muslim country.They seem to do it a bit differently to christians though.
Quote:They seem to do it a bit differently to christians though

Ever heard of the



And Aza, I hear where Dan is coming from and I feel for him in his position. Even though technically the generalisations on this thread can be traced back to

Quote:this fucker and his followers

if you read what spaman says you can interpret it as a few Muslims, or the majority of Muslims being accused.

If, however, you take it in the context of what has been stated on similar threads (Cronulla riots, etc) in the last 18 months, Dan does seem to have a point about the generalisations .

Send Kawa a PM and ask him if it was actually

Quote:this fucker and his followers

or if he means "most Muslims", and you may reconsider having a bit more sympathy for Dan.

I personally find these types of threads interesting, and though I find the views are often personally offensive, I don't take them personally (much). They give me an indication about people's fixed belief patterns and also a reflection of their upbringing and personality traits.

Why don't we start a thread on David Hicks?
Good Aussie fellow of Anglo saxon decent, isn't he?

Quote:Being that I'm half Swede I say we need Thor and Odin in there to sort out this mess then we can all sit down to a feast and drink shit loads of beer


In Denmark it is easy to identify the Swedes. They are the drunk ones that are underaged in Sweden but since the drinking age is lower in Denmark... they jump on the Ferry and whamo... instant idiots!!
Good to see some more Nordic blood around here tho....

As for the Mufti, I will quote a great song lyric "f*** the f*&^ing fucker".

Quote:where's my wench

Oh and by the way.... don't bother looking for your wench, Just take the one nearest to you. And if you have to fight for her.... All the more fun

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