R77 full system mount? Gen 2
Can anyone with the full system tell me what is used to fix the pipe to the bracket under the bike.
Mines missing, looks as though it would be the bolt, large washer and rubber grommet at a guess?
A pic would be good, just so I have an idea of what I'm ordering when I go to the dealers.

(08-12-2014, 11:11am)duc13 Wrote: Can anyone with the full system tell me what is used to fix the pipe to the bracket under the bike.
Mines missing, looks as though it would be the bolt, large washer and rubber grommet at a guess?
A pic would be good, just so I have an idea of what I'm ordering when I go to the dealers.


Hi Duc how's it going ?? from what I've looked at on mine I'm assuming that the headers are the same except for the muffler so the bolt your looking for appears to be the OEM Bolts and spacers used on the 4-2-1.

Anyway hope this helps also dropped an email as well.




Hi Kev, goin well, thanks a lot mate that's exactly what I was looking for! I figured it would be something like that.
For a quick fix I had already fitted a couple of large washers and a few rubber grommets I had laying around.
I've had some buzzing/vibration and think this has been the cause, certainly wouldn't have helped anyway.

Thanks again mate I'll have to order the bits.
Yes will have to catch up Kev, and will have to have another run soon.
When do double demerits kick in I wonder.

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