
Bike shops make their $ on services (overservicing) and the manufacturers are usually ultra conservative to avoid any criticism. Most of the things that you need to do on the bike at 24k km is inspect and adjust or replace if neccessary (see attached) so not sure how this could cost $1k. Do you own a Ducati and posted here by mistake?

According the manual these need to be replaced;

Spark plugs- inspect them and compare how they look with a spark plug guide (google sparkplug condition chart) to see how the engine is going. If the elctrode and ground strap aren't worn or other mechanical damage just clean them, check the gap and reinstall - mine have been in for 70k km.

Replace engine oil.

Every two years replace engine coolant and clutch / brake fluid; these are simple and not costly and can be done by anyone who can use hand tools. These will still operate effectively even after 2 years.

Inspect valve clearances - is the bike running OK? then probably no need to inspect these. I inspected the clearances on my Gen 1 at 45k km and they were still in spec. I haven't checked on my gen 2 yet (at 70k km) but I will get around to it some time soon - promise.

Generally inspct the bike and look for loose bolts and hoses etc.

Hope this helps.


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Replace your clutch/ brake fluids also.
If these simple hydraulic circuits are kept clean they should outlast the bike.
Would be wise to grease both the headstem and swingarm, most OEM's are tight when its assembly time and leave these areas short of lube.
(08-06-2014, 01:18am)Homer Wrote: I have just found out that I am approaching a major service. The nice salesman must have forgotten to mention it when I bought it only 2500 km ago. I'm told it will cost me over a grand.......

Can anyone give me some idea of what is involved and if anything can be postponed without compromising the safety or reliability of the bike?

Hay buddy,

PM sent

Ashley Markey
Next Generation automotive
hey Homer,
When I went to enquire about buying my new busa my lovely wife nailed down the dealer on service costs. We were quoted...
1000k service - $150
3000/6000/12000/18000 services - $180
24000 serive - $680

but of course that was based on the service prices then and there, obviously there will be price increases over time LOL
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
My copper NEVER gets serviced!! what a waste of time.
It used to be ridden every day, oil and filter changed by me very 5000kms, ridden at redline every chance I could, when it was starting to sound ratterly around 150,000kms I put it in for a service, had the valve clearances and cam chain checked/adjusted, new set of plugs, good for another 150,000km, that's also done now so probably should get it looked at again, but this time it's still sounding smooth, still pulls like a train, so I figure I'll just keep riding it 'till it doesn't feel or sound right. I reckon you can "feel" if things aren't correct.

spend your money on oil, tyres, and chains. bugger the rest.
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .
Like my mechanic firmly told me....."it's a Busa...I can charge you for a major service if you want,
but I'll just be wasting my time checking for things that wont need to be adjusted, changed or fixed"

Mines a well abused 2010 daily rider, now just shy of 100,000k's. It gets fresh oil and filters like clockwork...that's about it!
I am stuck for next 23 months... the beautiful boss was the one to pick the BEE so she can demand the scheduled services over that 2 yr period. oohh and she can't complain with the costs LOL

I am happy to self service and even self adjust as soon as I get my hands on a manual that doesn't cost me $160+.. and with my lovely boss demanding a service agreement I take it that I got 2 years to find me the manual I need LOL
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
I recently bought a new Suzuki from one of the locations you mention in your post Homer. When they can't even set the tyre pressures correctly on delivery, you really have to wonder about their competence to do anything. Its not just them; I've had similar things in the past, for example with KTM and Yamaha dealers.

I wasn't even going to bother with the first service, but I want to ask them about the broken plastic tab I found under the seat.
Government certified carpet muncherDrool
There is some gold advice in these relpy's Homer. You want to have your bike stuffed up - take it to a deler where they will charge you $80 hour and let some snot to self learn on it and get paid $15 per hour for it. If you do not know how, or are not willing to learn how to do an oil/filter change you should only be riding things without engines. It is a part of the motorbike deal. Cheers.
"It is not a shame to not know, the shame is to not know and not to ask"
My last service (21000) cost me $431.20 at my local mechanic. Next service (26000) should be about the same. As the others have said, don't go back to the dealer if you can avoid it.

I have been using the same mechanic for many years and I feel I can trust him. He only does what "needs" to be done, and normally warns me when I have something major coming up, which on a busa is usually brake pads or cush rubbers or new chain or .....
(10-06-2014, 07:25pm)Shifu Wrote: There is some gold advice in these relpy's Homer. You want to have your bike stuffed up - take it to a deler where they will charge you $80 hour and let some snot to self learn on it and get paid $15 per hour for it.

And more $ per hour in some places. Would almost be funny if it wasn't so true. Scary
I trust myself more.
And I'll add that an experienced and correctly qualified independent mechanic is a better bet for servicing you can't or don't want to do. Of course you still have to find the right guy, and that can be tough these days.
I've always stuck to the independents when I could, but even got stung by one of them on a car service. I had been using the same guy for a few years and even knew him socially. He made a habit of changing the wiper rubbers, which I was happy with. One time I pick the car up and its got these new German wiper blades installed; not just the rubbers, the whole blade and arm. They looked shit because they didn't suit the styling and anyway the blades were too long. When I got the service bill he had charged $70 per wiper! Needless to say I went back and got them removed. I no longer use that mechanic.

What a twat, he lost long term business for short term gain.

Homer there is an independent in the Kewdale or Welshpool area that came well recommended to me by a racer pal. Unfortunately I can't remember the details, so perhaps another Perth member might know who I'm talking about. He was a bit choosy about what he'd work on and for who.
Government certified carpet muncherDrool
Took the fairings off at 60k to replace chain otherwise I split the fairing at bottom and change filter and oil.

Done 70k had the fairing off once to change the chain and sprockets at 60 k. Otherwise I change oil and filter by spliting fairing at bottom. Bullet proof is normal riding. Love it.

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