The Fireplace lighting mod (Feelin hot hot hot)
I have been using my fireplace a fair bit of late and have had endless probs lighting the bloody thing...
anyway searched the net...gotta love Google...
and found the best and easiest tip to light ya fire...
no kindling, no firestarters, no paper, no kero...

Cut a strip of material (old towell or something)
about 1.5 ft long and 2 inches wide

soak it in plain old cooking oil but leave a couple of inches unoiled at an end for the wick

Then you just position it on a log so it will catch other logs too obviously

Light it up,
go have a wine

presto you come back and its blazin!!!
How easy is that!

Hope this helps someone out there...

This one could be good for u Rocket,
You must use a fireplace to keep warm where u live...
Have they got electricity there yet?? Cheers,
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist?
Z Web World

Edited by: Djpete  at: 22/8/05 6:01 pm

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