Comon all u Tassie riders... lets get together again. The Strathgordon ride was great (just NO TRIUMPHS this time)
Looking at organising a loop run to east coast from Campbell Town (CT).. a leisurely loop ride experiencing all the roads in Tassie you enjoy.
sweeping corners of Lake Leake

fun corners into Swansea turn-off
lunch at my bro's cafe in Swansea

coast run up past Bicheno
the twists of Targa's St mary's Pass

perfect country straights and curves of Fingal to Ormley
back to CT for a quiet

all up about 250 klm of bliss....

thinking of leaving CT about 10am, lunch at Swansea, lots of pic stopping and back at CT by 4pm
BATFINK (aka Tony)

GOD gave us a mind to use.........
Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!

GOD gave us a mind to use.........
Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!