1st gear
hi guys,with my k8 when I put it into neutral at a set of lights the green light comes on ok and I release the clutch and all is good,but when I go to put it into 1st nothing happens so I just push the lever up slightly being careful not to go into 2nd and then push down and it engages 1st ok.So now when I get to a set of lights I put it into neutral and then push the lever up slightly and it will then go into 1st easy when the lights change.It does not bother me but just wonderd if this was common with gen 2 as had no worries with gen1.
Mine dose this sometimes. It's a bit like a car When selecting reverse and the gear teeth don't line up, same trick as with that, you just let the clutch out and pull it in again and it go's in every time.
Check & try a couple of things
Check the chain is no to tight
Hold in the clutch a bit longer before putting it into gear
Move the bike forward a bit before dropping it into gear
(26-07-2011, 07:50pm)davecrowley Wrote: hi guys,with my k8 when I put it into neutral at a set of lights the green light comes on ok and I release the clutch and all is good,but when I go to put it into 1st nothing happens so I just push the lever up slightly being careful not to go into 2nd and then push down and it engages 1st ok.So now when I get to a set of lights I put it into neutral and then push the lever up slightly and it will then go into 1st easy when the lights change.It does not bother me but just wonderd if this was common with gen 2 as had no worries with gen1.

Easy fix! Buy a Gen 1 again!!!Lol2
They are worse & sometimes get a false neutral between 5 & 6th Boobies4
(26-07-2011, 08:37pm)simmo Wrote: They are worse & sometimes get a false neutral between 5 & 6th Boobies4

Too true, unfortunately Pi_freak
same happens to me, my GSX1400 was the same as well, just gone over to full synthetic, think it might of cleared up the problem.
perhaps check you're gear lever position ?
Adjusting mine helped
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