confronted two trying to break in
cunning!! amazing how these scum bags try to knock over a place in broad daylight!!!
I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it.
- Mae West
I've said it once and I'll say it again.... I hate thieving scum!

Run an extension cord to the shed and wire it up to the metal, next time theses pricks try to break in just flick the switch on for a few seconds and electrocute the F@#$ers LOL
[Image: hayabusa-5.jpg] [Image: HayabusaLogo-Grey.gif]
Just confirmation that most crims have a brain the size of a frozen pea
Smoke me a kipper I'll be home in time for breakfast
Thats shit form mate, bigtime. But just lucky you were there to catch them in the act. Maybe a sticker on you shed door that says 'If you can read this your face has already been filmed by cctv' would'nt hurt. The only better thing you could have done is alert them between them and there car with a big knife of your own so then they would have gone fence jumping and when you called cops they could take finger prints from the car they left behind.

Glad to hear that you still have your good's though...
A friend in the Coff's area heard a couple of dickheads trying to rob his shed, he lives on a small property a couple of kays out of town. Police say "we can't get anyone there for 4 hours, geta description and rego, we'll look after it when we get there."
Unhappy with that, he got the rego of their car and went back to the phone in his house, rang the Police and advised them not to bother coming out in a hurry as he had shot them both dead in his shed. Within 5 minutes there were 4 Police cars in his front yard. He went out to greet them and advised that as they were there, would they please now arrest the two bad guys who were still in his shed as the Police arrived. The Police were unhappy as hell and threatened him with all sorts of hellfire and damnation, but they did take the two rather started drugo dickheads back to the Police station with them.
There's a moral in there somewhere.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
(18-07-2011, 01:30pm)Madmax Wrote: A friend in the Coff's area heard a couple of dickheads trying to rob his shed, he lives on a small property a couple of kays out of town. Police say "we can't get anyone there for 4 hours, geta description and rego, we'll look after it when we get there."
Unhappy with that, he got the rego of their car and went back to the phone in his house, rang the Police and advised them not to bother coming out in a hurry as he had shot them both dead in his shed. Within 5 minutes there were 4 Police cars in his front yard. He went out to greet them and advised that as they were there, would they please now arrest the two bad guys who were still in his shed as the Police arrived. The Police were unhappy as hell and threatened him with all sorts of hellfire and damnation, but they did take the two rather started drugo dickheads back to the Police station with them.
There's a moral in there somewhere.

that is a brilliant idea!! i guess it is a matter of priority but still, gets the job done :)
(18-07-2011, 01:30pm)Madmax Wrote: A friend in the Coff's area heard a couple of dickheads trying to rob his shed, he lives on a small property a couple of kays out of town. Police say "we can't get anyone there for 4 hours, geta description and rego, we'll look after it when we get there."
Unhappy with that, he got the rego of their car and went back to the phone in his house, rang the Police and advised them not to bother coming out in a hurry as he had shot them both dead in his shed. Within 5 minutes there were 4 Police cars in his front yard. He went out to greet them and advised that as they were there, would they please now arrest the two bad guys who were still in his shed as the Police arrived. The Police were unhappy as hell and threatened him with all sorts of hellfire and damnation, but they did take the two rather started drugo dickheads back to the Police station with them.
There's a moral in there somewhere.


Thats a good one made my day.There are lot thiefs & crettons around warrnambool area / PORTLAND
just illegally buy the cheapest hand gun you can, keep it burried in the back yard somewere safe. if someone breaks in or attempts to beat them in the head with a large object(eg bat) and kill them, get said hand gun and place into the hand of the attempted thief call the police and claim self defence.

Yeah but Everyones gunsafes in there bloody shed!
And you can just get your own guns and claim self defense Dan...
Rydrz, thanks for posting up. I'm starting to get a bit of a list of dickheads in my phone. On two separate occasions when I broke down in two different cars, someone pulled over and was eager to see what's wrong with the car until they noticed I was still in it and they'd speed off!

Will keep an eye out for this vehicle. Sometimes I wonder why we have cops. They're more than happy to book you for going a couple kays over, or for having one of those dangerous loud exhausts, but when it comes to real crime, it appears they have better things to do.
(18-07-2011, 06:46pm)ross79 Wrote: Rydrz, thanks for posting up. I'm starting to get a bit of a list of dickheads in my phone. On two separate occasions when I broke down in two different cars, someone pulled over and was eager to see what's wrong with the car until they noticed I was still in it and they'd speed off!

Will keep an eye out for this vehicle. Sometimes I wonder why we have cops. They're more than happy to book you for going a couple kays over, or for having one of those dangerous loud exhausts, but when it comes to real crime, it appears they have better things to do.


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