Fat Busa Racing 1347
Is any one else having a hard time getting on to the site
or is it just me
Regards Richard
When the Clutch Drops the Bull Shit Stops<i></i>
I keep checking Richard must be something serious, or someone has confused Drag with Drag <i></i>
She is kaput at the moment. I'm guessing it got hit maybe from the people who were sending all those wierd posts??
Hopefully they get it sorted soon Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
Fat Busa Racing 1347
I raised that question the other week, that there was a few
new members there....over 700 I dont think we have that
many guys racing in OZ......they may have to tight'n up how
people get on the site.
I'm sure Griffo will work it out
Regards Richard
When the Clutch Drops the Bull Shit Stops<i></i>
Fat Busa Racing 1347
Thats what I'm talking about..........
cant get on there.......... Regards Richard
When the Clutch Drops the Bull Shit Stops<i></i>
Richard, you might have to give Griffo a call, he very rarly gets on the forum so he probably doesn't know it is down.
I'd call but I can't find his number. <i></i>
Fat Busa Racing 1347
Ye , got his number some where
will try later on..... <i></i>
Fat Busa Racing 1347
I just got off the phone to Griffo who runs the site and they
are trying to get it fixed, it should be up and running again on
Sunday or Monday. Hope this helps
Regards Richard
When the Clutch Drops the Bull Shit Stops<i></i>
This is all I get when I try and open the forum section.
phpBB : Critical Error
Error doing DB query userdata row fetch
SQL Error : 1146 Table 'austral_phpb1.phpbb_sessions_keys' doesn't exist
SELECT u.* FROM phpbb_users u, phpbb_sessions_keys k WHERE u.user_id = 14 AND u.user_active = 1 AND k.user_id = u.user_id AND k.key_id = 'e1a7f12777f7191d18a5d1f4ff02e651'
Line : 89
File : sessions.php
anyone ealse?
The NO-BAR movement grows - VIVA LA REVOLUTZIONE!!!!<i></i>
From the error you have 1 or 2 possible causes,
1. I would say that your User ID or password has been deleted or corrupted on the user table residing on the bulletin board database.
2. The whole user table has been corrupted by a hacker or some other disruption. Possibly the server was shutdown during active time and corrupted the user table.
If you can, you may have to rejoin the board as a new user if they are back in operation.
I'm not using it anyway!<i></i>
Hi Dave. I got the same message. Don't know why, but I just put in my name and password again, and again (thinking I had typed a wrong letter), and after the 3rd go it worked!
Pan, you spell Pan as pan
I just had to log in again also
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!<i></i>
Silly you Simmo, you spell it as Pan. <i></i>