2 bussas collected by car
A couple of weeks ago, hubby and I decided to go for a quick squirt to the beach. I had stopped at a set of amber lights, hubby was 3 bike lengths away, when he reached me and stopped next to me, just enough time for us both to turn our heads to acknowledge each other, when hubby got ass ended and I got side swiped by some inattentive driver who said she couldnt stop.
The thing is we both always check our mirrors before we stop to make sure we dont get ass ended and neither one of us saw this car.
The awful thing was I saw Danny's bike do this shimmer and next his body did the same coming off his bike and into the air, while he saw me in his mirror getting hit by the car and getting pinned between her car and my bike.
Luckily we were helped by some wonderful bystanders, two of which were nurses.
Danny was taken by ambulance to hospital while I remained with the bikes waiting for family to help me load 2 sad looking bussas home.
Danny is ok, we are now waiting for insurance and the driver is most likely to face reckless driving in the courts.
I don't know are we invisible out there on the roads, especially 2 bussas side by side on a major road???? Confused
Bloody hell! How terrifying for both of you. It was probably somehow a bit worse watching each other get hurt at the same time. Did you go batshit crazy at the driver? I would have. So we have established that you are both ok, HOW ARE THE BIKES?
(14-03-2011, 04:15pm)milena Wrote: I don't know are we invisible out there on the roads, especially 2 bussas side by side on a major road???? Confused

Apparently we are but glad your both ok
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
(14-03-2011, 04:20pm)Heidi1 Wrote: Bloody hell! How terrifying for both of you. It was probably somehow a bit worse watching each other get hurt at the same time. Did you go batshit crazy at the driver? I would have. So we have established that you are both ok, HOW ARE THE BIKES?

Danny's 06 black/red is a right off cause his bike sustained the full impact of the car to the rear wheel, my bike 03 plum/black has sustained $7700 damage, the insurance will let us know by this week whether my bike is also a right off or repairable.
All I could say at the time was F***K over and over again, then when I saw that Danny was ok went to see the driver, and she was in tears, she had two kids in the back and she was in total shock. Luckily there was a great cop who helped us both exchange our details, cause I couldnt even remember my phone number.
Glad to hear ur both still with us, milena.....Pi_thumbsup

There's WAY too many dumb-arse drivers out there on the road, and it's a shame one of them had to find you both!

I hope ur insurance claim goes smoothly.....and hope to see you both at the Busa Bash this year! Yes

Damn we are easy to miss. She could have been distracted by the two in the back seat, looked down for a second..... I'm not surprised you were in shock. For $7700, the insurance company will probably write the black/purple off. BUGGER, they are getting rarer and rarer (although not as rare as those 99red/blacks that keep crashing). But that is why we have insurance, bikes can be fixed family is a bit harder to replace.

I'm funny, if is me that gets hurt, I tend to either go quiet or have a little sook. If it is someone I care about I go completely ferocious. For someone who doesn't get upset easily, I always scare myself if it happens. When a mate crashed on the track, I was grabbed by marshalls to stop me running out there. I was a heartbeat off punching the person in the face who touched me when I realised they were telling me he was in the ambulance and on his way back. I made a complete goose of myself but everyone was very polite about it.
Scary my god! I'm just glad to hear that you both are ok. What a shame about the bikes. I to hope that all your insurance biz go's smoothly for you both and hope that one driver not paying attention won't deter you both from getting new bikes and continuing your love of riding.
In 1995 I was waiting in traffic in my car and was slammed into from behind by a 15 year old who had his 12 year old sister as a passenger, the car shot through an orange light. The car he was driving was an old ford XD falcon 5.8 litre with poor brakes. He tried to run from the scene, and was held till police came. His father did not give a f*** and bought him another one, and told me my insurance was going to pay for it. One broken nose later he tried to have me for assault, but I lied through my teeth and told police that he started it and defended myself. Be careful everyone out there.
Glad you both are ok,shame about the bikes, I would of went mental
every corner tells a story
This mornng coming back from a short run I see the car rolling around the corner on my side of the road Wtf The cretin behind a wheel was completely oblivious to what is happening as he had his eyes peeled to the house for sale board and probably reading about how many bedrooms it have. I have completely stopped and waited for him to come closer. He noticed me just as I stood up (getting ready to run) and managed to stop 5 inches from my front wheel with the face like this Scary
I was so pissed off that if it wasn't for the two little girls at the back I wold have killed the f*** on the spot saving probably somebodys life or health in the near future. So I just send him a man to man greeting that scared the shit out of him and let him go.
I know this is not going to make you feel beter but it seems that what has happen to you is not far away for all of us every day. Thanks to God you both OK. The bikes can be replaced, that is true, but I get very attached to mine and it would hurt still even if you get a new one. Feel for you Milena. Just do not let this kill you passion. Good luck.
"It is not a shame to not know, the shame is to not know and not to ask"
(14-03-2011, 08:12pm)Shifu Wrote: This mornng coming back from a short run I see the car rolling around the corner on my side of the road Wtf The cretin behind a wheel was completely oblivious to what is happening as he had his eyes peeled to the house for sale board and probably reading about how many bedrooms it have. I have completely stopped and waited for him to come closer. He noticed me just as I stood up (getting ready to run) and managed to stop 5 inches from my front wheel with the face like this Scary
I was so pissed off that if it wasn't for the two little girls at the back I wold have killed the f*** on the spot saving probably somebodys life or health in the near future. So I just send him a man to man greeting that scared the shit out of him and let him go.
I know this is not going to make you feel beter but it seems that what has happen to you is not far away for all of us every day. Thanks to God you both OK. The bikes can be replaced, that is true, but I get very attached to mine and it would hurt still even if you get a new one. Feel for you Milena. Just do not let this kill you passion. Good luck.

No way has this detered us from going back on the bikes, we will be getting back on bussas (in the market to get 2 bussas now) I actually rode my busa home after the accident, there was no room on my brother in laws trailer for 2 bussas, so my son followed me in his car while I rode ever so carefully watching out for every idiot that might cross my path behind front and side ways Knuppel2
Milena, I am so very happy that you are both okay and so pleased that this has not dampened your spirits for riding. I would have been horrified at the time but agree with Heidi I would have lost my cool at the driver. What the hell is wrong with some people they drive with blinkers. I hope you are able to replace your Busa's.
How's Danny doin?

Glad to hear you and your husband are both OK. We are incredibly easy to miss. Especially when distacted by GPS, phones or in my case the driver getting a cigarette.

I suspect that in NSW at least rear enders on bikes are going to increase with the new "safety cam"s at stop lights. I can just see the light turning amber and the bike stopping while the car behind decides he will try to beat it.


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