Aye aye,

I've had some enquiries about setting up stalls etc. at Bikefest.

Basically until you have a fair number of racers pre-entered I'm unable advise you on what's O.K. with organisers and what's not.

Logically if you get 20 racers you'll get a fair few bays to yourselves (within the sports bike pit general area) where you can do pretty much what you want, and some of you may be able to park your bikes there as "support vehicles" if you are not racing.

The policy regarding stalls as I understand it - is that you can have a stall promoting your club or products that are Motorcycle business oriented, at no charge. If you are there for the sole purpose of selling stuff and not racing - then you will come under the "Vendors" deal, and have to set up in the trade stalls area.

Best way to get a difinative answer is to e-mail Steve Stanley the Promotor

My role is essentially to organise the Sports Bikes racing classes, and sort out the Braggin board, but I'm happy to help once you have an Idea on racer numbers closer to the date.

Captain The NO-BAR movement grows - VIVA LA REVOLUTZIONE!!!!<i></i>
mista how do i enter as a racer? is there a class for slow road racer types like me how much is it and what do i/we need to know about entering and racing <i></i>
Dan, give WSID a call on 02 9672 1320 and ask them to send you out an entry form.

They usually have an online entry system but it does not seem to be set up for this event.

I have tryed to scan an entry and post it up, but I can't seem to get a good scan. If worst comes to worst let me know and I will run off a few copies and post you one. You can then copy a few and hand them around.

Dave <i></i>
How about a show of hands to determine numbers. Who is racing and who is comming along to watch.

1 Racing me .

WSID managed to send me out 2 sets of registration forms. Who wants a copy. If you like I can copy them and hand them out to the regulars.


See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.
Banjo Paterson

3 of us watching:
pan, Kitmark and 01Busa
"riding, not posting... as much"<i></i>

Pan, unless you are going to enter, I doubt that you will be able to set up a stall, or even park close by. At the bigger events they use the car park at the end of the track.

Hi Dave. I'm not setting up a stall at all, just looking at helping a competitor who may want to do so and sell some shirts as well.

Can I (and others not competing) get in as "pit crew" and help out people racing or with stalls though, or do we have to park our bikes on the other side?

Can I (and others not competing) park our bikes with the Busa Club members that ARE competing (as pit crew)?

PS: I'm not competing because of the engine rebuild, or else I'd be having a go... (each time I have a look at my sig, I sigh!)
"riding, not posting... as much"<i></i>
Pit crew have to pay to get in as well.

If the bike you are crewing on is racing in an ANDRA class, he will get 4 free tickets, but it costs him $180 to enter.

Non ANDRA racers pay $55 to enter, and $15 for each crew member, this is for pre payed entries.
Non ANDRA racers who enter on the day will pay $75 to enter, and $25 for each crew member.

As for parking for your bike, I can't see them letting crew members, spectators or vendors workers park their vehicles in the pit areas, but I might be wrong, as I said before parking for spectators wont be like at a street meet, you will be parked either outside the competitor gate, or at the far end of the track in the parking lot.

If I was you I would take it up with the track and find out before you get there.
Or check out and get on to Steve Stanley, he is running the event and will be able to help you out.

Thanks Dave. <i></i>
Racing unless I get caught running under 10.5 in the meantime, might just use Pans car park for now.
Bruce have you sent your forms in yet?

Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just copy 'busas!!!!!<i></i>
Change of plans. Spoke to Col at 10/10ths who said my bike should be fine to race at The Fest!

Put me down for RACING!

I pre-paid yesterday and have 2 pit crew...
Now I gotta go practice in the usual places (be extra careful if you leave your car/bike in any car parks around Marrickville )
"riding, not posting... as much"<i></i>
Thats two of us racing in the non licence class
we can race each other and cheat
Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just copy 'busas!!!!!<i></i>
DAN! Let's get practising.

I want to race <i></i>
Ended up sending in a cheque today, on the form it says you can book on line but you can't, you can book for just about every other race but not this one so if you’re going to pre-book do it now.
Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just copy 'busas!!!!!<i></i>

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