horsepower calculator
I,ve been playing with this thing for a bit and have found the following things out.Bear in mind these are potential differences if your riding talent can fully utilize them.At the drags a drop in 10kg is worth a tenth.A gain in 5hp at the tyre is worth a tenth.If you drop approx 7.5kg,you will gain 1 mph trap speed.If you gain 3.5hp at the tyre you will gain 1mph.And finally 1.42mph gain is potentially a tenth gain.This is a huge generalization but gives you the idea.Now for a relevant example ,you fit a titanium 4 into 1,do the airbox and tune it.A conservative gain is about 12hp from bone stock and a drop of approx 10kg.your 12hp gets you 0.24sec,your 10kg weight loss gets you 0.1 sec=0.34sec.For mph your 12hp gets you 3.4mph and the 10kg gets you another 1.36mph = 4.76mph.If your on a bone stock busa you can pull 10.5-10.4 stock height with a 95kg suited rider without too much trouble.Taking 0.34 sec off that brings you very close to a magic nine before you have even lowered it.They say every inch is worth a tenth,so theres potentially another 3 tenths.Ah if it didn,t require so much practice we'd get bored with it all.Any guy that runs a nine has earn,t it. Glenn the Spa Man<i></i>
Glen knowing you like to play figures. here is a bit of Software you might find handy. From what I have been told it can calculate things reasonably accurate to the tenth.

A 95+ Kilo guy is going to find it tough to break into the 9's on a all stock bike according to the program and pretty much what we have seen is true. Like you have pointed out those tenths here and there soon add!!



Nice work! That's me to a tee really except I might be a little less on the weight, but only a small amount. I'm 10.01 on the 1m longer track so it all sounds about right.
Soooooo, look out 9s! <i></i>

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