Reached Sydney safely.....what a journey...

Our 5 days drive from Perth to Sydney is now complete. all went well (dont know about demerit points as didnt get pulled over - but cant say as there may be some hidden camera's)
Beautiful roads, views, people, food ....every thing. Highly recommended....


(will post few videos later)
welcome back to sydney mate glad it was a safe trip
Welcome back to the East Bill glad you had a safe trip Pi_thumbsup
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22

good to see you made the trip back in one piece with no probs ! Clap
lookin' 4wood 2 meeting ya at the next syd. riders "meet, greet & eat" ! BeerPi_thumbsup

WELL DONE!! I'm dying to hear all the stories and see the photos. I think that is one trip you need to do before you call yourself Australian! That and ride your bike through the main bar of a pub in Mt Isa.
ahh, I knew I forgot something when I rode from Townsville to Mt Isa (and back in a weekend- ouch!!)....
Beautiful part of the world!
Welcome back to Sydney Bill, glad u enjoyed the drive. I look forward to catching up with u in the near future.

Tex & Bundy
Everybody dies, not Everybody lives !!
There is no substitute for grunt !!
Every boy needs more than one toy !!

Where in Sydney are you, may be a coffee night coming up Pi_thumbsup
Thank you guys, currently in process of getting a townhome in Artarmon but I am up for the coffee meet anywhere around Sydney
I'm in Sydney Friday/Sat and Sunday night if anyone wants to catch up. It will have to be west side, I can't find my way around that bloody city.
Quote:may be a coffee night coming up

sounds good Simmo, maybe this time at wsid on wed night , for $55 you get a coffee and dozen quarter mile passes , lol
btw welcome back to Sydney Bill , hope to catch up with ya soon !
(06-04-2010, 09:18pm)Heidi1 Wrote: I'm in Sydney Friday/Sat and Sunday night if anyone wants to catch up. It will have to be west side, I can't find my way around that bloody city.

What?? You'll be in Sydney and not venture 1 1/2 hours north to have a Jim Beam & Coke with me??
WHAT AM I THINKING!! Where are you? For about six months last year, I was doing a trip to Forster up to twice a week!
(06-04-2010, 09:18pm)Heidi1 Wrote: I'm in Sydney Friday/Sat and Sunday night if anyone wants to catch up. It will have to be west side, I can't find my way around that bloody city.

Im racing Saturday at WS I will have a few spare pit passes
its been a while sine I have seen Boobies4 Boobies4 in the crowd Lol2

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