Driver Unhurt
How this car driver escaped is anyone's guess. He should buy a lotto ticket
Exactly the same thing happened in the Domain Tunnel, Melbourne.
The footage shows the truck change lanes, clip the back of the car and swing it around
into the front of the truck. As in this vid the truck driver has no idea the car is there.
(18-03-2010, 06:24pm)BikerBoy Wrote: Exactly the same thing happened in the Domain Tunnel, Melbourne.
The footage shows the truck change lanes, clip the back of the car and swing it around
into the front of the truck. As in this vid the truck driver has no idea the car is there.

I was cought in the traffic on that day.

There were reports that the truck driver was on the ph, but I don't recall that ever being varified...
maybe you couldnt see it, but surely you could hear the cars tyres/rims scraping the tar?
(19-03-2010, 11:33am)[UNIT] Wrote: maybe you couldnt see it, but surely you could hear the cars tyres/rims scraping the tar?
Not while listening to "Trumby was a ringer" full bore..
heres the clip again if anyones interested, cant edit my original post and that clip has been removed from Youtube

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