goodridge braided brake lines
I just ordered a front set of goodridge braided lines for the busa from my helmet mate in the states and have been quoted $130 aus including delivery,this sounds like a good price to me,does anyone know any better? <i></i>
Money well spent Rocketman.
Most riders spend the money to make them go quicker. Not many spend the money to make them stop better.
I heard the 2008 updated Busa might have radial mounted brakes. (Or was it the 2010 update?)
Cheers, Phil. Post Whore.
Sounds good. Does he do the rear set as well.

What's his contact details? <i></i>
Yes i think he can get all including clutch if you like,just tell him rocket rod from the busa board told ya and he is sure to charge you more.
ok his detais are cheers. <i></i>
thats a good price considering they want here $100 a line (=$200), tho depends what banjos you want, maybe price a stainless steel, and go for 2 straight lines down instead of the over front mudguard, tho have heard various opinions. <i></i>
2 separates or 1 into 2 ? doesn't matter as long as it's s/s braided all round

Rode a busa today with rubber lines & couldn't believe how pathetically inadequate those brakes were compared to my own set up

If you have to do an emergency stop with rubber lines you won't be impressed Sure, they feel good most of the time until you really HAVE to stop (or crash) <i></i>
I got my lines from the states yesterday and am real pleased with the deal i got,happy as a pig in shit really. I paid $74 and $20 freight(AUD),so $94 all up was a real bargain i think,now pass me that spanner and lets improve those cheesecake brakes. <i></i>
Money well spent Rocketman.
Now you only have to worry about warping the cheesecake discs next time you pull up from a great rate of knots!
(Been there, done that!) Whoops, sorry guys. The Busa is the best, forget the rest.
Cheers, Phil.
the mystery lives on?

re: the lines, how do they go with ADR rocket? not that anyone would notice...

the two lines straight down is no doubt better, but you'd almost have to be trying to outbrake barros to notice the difference...

I've got a single goodridge straight down, money extremely well spent...the left side pads running off the piggy back do wear slightly less, indicating...D"> <i></i>
Got to test them going down the reefton today,bigshow,and i must say the feel on the lever is shitloads better and as for the shortening the wheelbase,best $10 i've spent on a mod,the difference is unbelievable. <i></i>
Ok ,got an email from Brett today and he says if a few members can order them together,you can save $$$$$ on freight charges.They are goodridge braided lines with the line running to each caliper from the master cylinder ,so better set up than standard and the lines are plastic coated,so no probs with roadworthies ect......... <i></i>
If I didn't already have them Rocket I'd be interested & I certainly know of one particular bloke who could do with them

For everyone else, here's the opportunity you've all been waiting for so hop in for your chop & hopefully you won't rear end us with your dodgy set ups <i></i>
So give us the low down - $94 Aus per set. <i></i>
Front and rear or front only? <i></i>
I'm interested. Are they definately stainless?
Cheers <i></i>

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