Best way Queanbeyan to Nowra
Travelling Queanbeyan to Nowra on 28th. 2 of us on bikes
Got all day to do it. So which way is recommended for maximum enjoyment? Want to go through Kangaroo Valley, but want to keep off the Hume runway, for obvious reasons.
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .
hey Ward,

i dunno about the first part, but when you get to Nowra, make sure u go to K/Valley via Cambewarra Mtn, then on to Robertson, then down (and back up again) Macquarie Pass.
Mac. Pass is a great bikin' road......but be extremely careful of oncoming traffic (especially trucks & buses, as well as cars) try to stay as far to the left as possible (some pretty tight corners).
Gimme a call when ur in the area, and if I'm not workin', I'll come for a run with ya.

0419 292 632.
hey ward just a thourt mate kings hwy to bungandore > braidwood > nelligan > turn left and head up the coast to > tobourie lake > ulladulla > nowra

just a thourt mate stay safe mate
Yeah Bazman, sounds like a plan. I'll give you a call.Pi_thumbsup

Thanks Big Kev. But we are heading down the coast after that, so I was looking for a way across from Queanbeyan to Mossvale.

Thought there was a new road, maybe old road re-surfaced, maybe I've just had too many drugs?????Pi_freak

Just after someone with a bit of local knowledge.
- then again, a bit hard to get lost around that part of the woods.

- Methinks the trip way be more Beer Beer thanBiker
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .
Hi Ward,
You could go Queanbeyan, Tarago, Goulburn, then up the Hume to the Moss Vale turn off and down thru Kangaroo Valley -

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Or Queanbeyan, Bungendore, Braidwood, down the Clyde Mountain to Batemans Bay and then north up the Highway - (the Clyde Mountain is a good ride too.)

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Busdriver (aka Les)
Hey Ward,

I should be able to do the run to Nowra with you guys.

I'll pm you my mobile number for when you get here.

Busdriver (aka Les)
hey ward. best way is queanbeyan, tarago, goulburn. but to stay off the hume just as you get into goulburn take any turns signposted as bungonia (gorge or state rec area can't remember which). around 20k's in hang a left to get you to marulan south. jump on the freeway for probably 5k's then just after the RTA truck weighbridge take the first right (i think it says tallong or maybe just tourist drive). follow that through all the little towns and take any signs that say nowra, kangaroo valley or fitzroy falls- you should turn off before you get to moss vale. all back roads and can be a little rough in spots but all tar and almost no freeway. check a map for details- a few funny turns and not exceptionally well signposted but you can't really get lost because you'll hit a major town eventually.
the new road you're thinking of is from braidwood via nerriga but its not finished yet- still about 15ks of dirt so dont bother.
when you hit town give me a bell on 44460656 if you want- should be able to go for a ride (and a beer!) and DO NOT speed through kangaroo valley- the cops have been flogging it lately
Ludicrous speed- go!
2nd keno77 route being a x southern highlands/tablelander

just be careful around goulburn (police academy) especially between goulburn and marulan freeway

bungonia to marulan would be better alt for giving the bikes a bit of a pre work out before robertson mountain range decent into the coast

just watch out for local wildlife i wrote off my beloved xe esp ghia along bungonia road due to a heap of kangaroos in the middle of the road about 10km before bungonia township a few yrs back

boys in blue still hit qeanbeyan turn off to tarago a fair bit especially this time of year so the relos tell me

you will enjoy springfield straight coming into goulburn if you want to stretch your wrist so to speak again risk v's rush (remember police academy ahead)

map from marulan to coast,135.745076&sspn=46.404475,81.738281&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Wingello+New+South+Wales&ll=-34.691945,150.02655&spn=0.337053,0.900192&z=11

have a safe trip
Hey there Mia06. I notice this is your first post, and what a great one! Why not go to the introduction thread and tell us a bit about you and what you ride. If you've got one, we love photos of your bike!


oops just checked original post date

goes to show one should research before putting his 2 cents worth in

sorry about that,hope u guys had a good trip all the same
Thanks to all for the info guys.
Took much of it on board and took the back ways. (Now I know where Wakefield is) Weather was "ABYSMAL" though, cold and wet. Kangaroo Valley did not present herself at her best. With our riding partners I got the feeling it would have been 'rude' to invite others to join, so that's why I didn't make contact. (also who would have wanted to in the shit weather)
Eventually weather did clear and had a great few days. Did a little over 2000km in about 6 days (no records broken there - and no tickets) But did do way too much drinking, nearly cooked at Malacoota, New Year's at Lakes Entrance, and finished it off with a fabulous run over Mt Hotham on the way home.

Mt Hotham - back in home territory!
Even 2 up, overpacked with luggage, the old girl brings a huge grin to my face as she blasted all in her path - don't ya just love cruising past some group of head down bum up brigade mid corner, front wheel skipping, back just peeling, and have them realise you're packed to the gunnals, two up, and then give them a nod and little wave as cranked over, you effortly power past and watch them dissappear in your mirrors as you hook in to the next corner. And they realise, you're just cruizin'. "Gota luv the 'busa"
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .

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