Sort of bike related

Couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw this Idiot2Idiot2Idiot2
What a joke, unfortunately it doesn't suprise me though Frown
i think thats senior sargeant fonc from hwy patrol
I'm sorry but I have little sympathy for the push bike riders, especially arrogant, militaristic ones like those portrayed there. They want all the benefits of the road networks without paying a cent towards it and yet are more than happy to take money from the nominal defendant when they come off................
if there are any on here... you might want to have a word to your Bros&Sis' up north...
GenII Hunter Knuppel2
This is actually an embarasing display from the police force - 17 officers to check for bells ? - in the mean time there are countless people driving drunk , druged , without licences and rego's /insurance but i guess its easier to target these guys than to actually keep us safe from the real criminals

way to go QLD police - you have made the streets safe again for the kids .....

Hayabusa , If your not on one , your behind one .....
A typical example of what these fcukin clowns do up here,god forbid there was any real work to be done!!!!!like keeping our kids safe from the likes of ferguson the pedo.That sergant has the intellect of a doghnut and if you need 17 officers to check bells on bikes can you imagine what is needed to control a kindergarten traffic jam!!!!!!!especially if that dumb ass sergant is in charge!!!!!!
with cops doin that no wonder d@#$heads are still in cars trying to take us out .GET A REAL BLOODY JOB
that is so stupid!!!! why can't they go and sort out brisbane's drug problem?? and the most stupid thing is they bought the bikes as is from the shop without a bell and they had a safety standard sticker if there original like that there should be no problem for them to ride on the road!

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