Released yesterday in Canberra by Federal Transport Minister Albanese

The GGG provides information about gear that is available for sale andenables riders to make useful decisions and get value for money.

You might believe all the claims of advertisers, or check a few thingsbefore parting with your hard-earned.

I recommend that your club provide the above website link from your websiteor forum.

The Good Gear Guide is an initiative of the Motorcycle Safety ConsultativeCommittee of the Federal Govt, on which the MCC of NSW sits alongside rider representatives from other States and Territories.

The MCC of NSW is a full member of the Australian Motorcycle Council, thenational body of Australian rider groups. As a member of the AMC, we applaud the Federal Govt for their funding ofthis project. The GGG booklet is an extension of work commenced by the MCC of NSW in 2005at the "Gearing Up" seminar of additional background material here)

Attached Files
.pdf   good_gear_guide_lores.pdf (Size: 3.1 MB / Downloads: 6)
Onya Big K,
very informative.....worth the read !!

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