Remember when...
Now I thought I would stick this up here to see what people most about how things used to be....even from my youngish doubt someone will throw in something about when lollies etc were cheaper..but I'll get the ball rolling with some that have been in my mind the last few days...

REMEMBER WHEN...there used to be a bit of courtesy on the highway, where people would wave on the longer, more boring roads especially. People wouldn't tailgate you, (highway driving mostly) and people used to flash their lights if there was a radar ahead, up this way it seems to be only 1 in maybe 20 that will warn you.

REMEMBER WHEN...young kids used to get old cars for their first car, something they would have to put a bit of time and effort into fixing and maintaining. No air-con, no power steering, NO FRILLS basically. Now most new motorists wouldn't know where or how to check your oils or coolant etc. I had to show my 18 and a half year old brother in law how to change a tyre yesterday, including where to find them, and how to use the jack.
REMEMBER WHEN... There was no computer in the average home or does a commodore 64 count Undecided
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
do you mean waving in cars on the less populated roads? or bikes?
i flash people when i see a cop, maybe even well over a few km after i need to.. a few trucks have saved my ass doing this..

i wont be much use to this thread being 21.

i kinda remember not having a computer tho. until win 98 came out.
(22-08-2009, 08:38pm)[UNIT] Wrote: i kinda remember not having a computer tho. until win 98 came out.

Dont forget windows 95 Gee im old it was only about 180mb what size is Xp Confused
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
I remember when SUPER was only 1c dearer per litre than REGULAR, so everyone used it.

I also remember at the same period that SUPER was only 16c / L
16c a litre....bloody hell, when I got my licence it was 48c (or thereabouts).
I've never paid less than $1. Would had my p's in 2005
(22-08-2009, 10:18pm)CJ03 Wrote: 16c a litre....bloody hell, when I got my licence it was 48c (or thereabouts).

And even then you would have not seen pictures all over the front window (do you no this driver) petrol steeling
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Remeber when people took responsibility for them selves and now you cant even brush your teeth without filling in a job safety and environmental assesment.

Remember when people helped random strangers out in the street when someone was in need instead of walking on by or spitting on them before walking on by

hmm im only 24 but in the last say 10 years ive noticed a horrible change in society. but shit happens i guess

I remember thinking Jeez, 54c/litre for fuel was a bit rich when I started driving. I remember everyone flashing for radar etc.
I still flash people for highway cars & radar but I'm a little more choosy in doing so these days. Every bike will get a flash from me if there's one lurking same as every truck, just with cars I won't flash doof doof p platers.

My first computer ran dos, there was no windows back then. Gee, I'm starting to sound old now.... Pi_freak & I'm only turning 30 in a couple of weeks. lol
I remember when every guy on a bike (not harleys of course) would give you a nod or a wave as you passed them, now maybe one in five might do it :(
i remember my next door neighbour who where the rich ones bought a computer..a commodore 64..and he was the geek that played in dos. he even only got 220 in the hsc which was low as heck.basically a failure.and he was
out of 500.

250 u could join the be a nurse.
32o mid medicle.350 ect the world your oyster



that guy who got 220 owns alot of gear now

his geekness helped him.
sorry will not go indepth here,just basics.

just right timing ect.
my first pute.
basciacally played solitare for 7 years. and a simple myob
now 14 years on i cannot do my job with out them...sad huh!
pacman!!!!! was awesome and still is
I remember we when had a edit option Frown
never fly higher than your angel.
I remember when......

Milk was in glass bottles with foil caps and delivered to your door.
Bread was delivered to your door by the breadman in a HR Holden panel van.
There was a paperboy. He used to pull a barrow full of newspapers, blow a whistle and wear a brown purse like money pouch.
Rear half of 2000 Red/Grey Busa Smitten
Rear half of 2010 Red BMW K1300 GT Smitten
LOL, I used to do a paper run when I was 14, the mirror and the sun were the 2 papers and they were 30 cents each!

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