I sent a request to the Transport Dept asking them to direct me to the specific sections of the road rules that pertain to "Lane Splitting".
This is the answer I received.
Thank you for your email about lane splitting.
Generally the same rules which apply to the drivers of cars also apply to the riders of motorbikes.
The practice of motorbikes riding between rows of vehicles is commonly referred to as "lane splitting" and while
there is currently no specific rule prohibiting lane splitting, there are a number of sections of the Queensland Road Rules (QRR) that may be contravened by a motorbike rider while lane splitting. I have set out the particular rules below along with the infringement notice penalty for each one. In practice it would be very difficult for a motorbike rider to lane split without contravening some or all of these rules,
changing lanes without signalling for sufficient distance to alert other
road users - penalty of $60 and 2 demerit points;
failing to stay within a single marked lane or line of traffic - penalty
of $80;
failing to provide a safe distance when passing another vehicle -
penalty of $200 and 2 demerit points;
failing to stop at a stop line at traffic lights - penalty of $300 and 3
demerit points; and
crossing a continuous white edge line - penalty of $80.
Motorbike riders are permitted to move back and forth between lanes to overtake other vehicles provided they give sufficient warning of their intentions and provide a safe distance when passing other vehicles.
It is the responsibility of the Queensland Police Service to enforce these road rules.
The QRR may be accessed on the web at:
Information regarding motorbike safety can be accessed on the Queensland Transport website:
If you have any further questions then please contact me again either by return email or using the details below and I'll be happy to help you.
Howard Griffin
A/Policy Officer
Land Transport and Safety
Telephone: 3253 4506 Fax: 3253 4110