Just got my hands on a plug-in TRE.
(made by jsdproducts)
Can't say I notice anything with a quick spin around the block.
My Question is.....
I now find out there are two models.
JSD-1 and 2 for GSXR1000 and Busa
(Fixed 5th gear signal)
and JSD-1A and 2A for GSXR 6 / 7 and TL1000R
(Fixed 6th gear signal)
The TRE has no mark's or numbers on it anywhere.
How do I know if I have been sold the right one ?
Doing the clutch in / out / in / out at 2000rpm causes the rev's to drop / rise by about 500 if that means anything.
Tony J <i></i>
But how do I know if i'v got a Busa 5th gear or a 6th gear signal ?
Tony. <i>Edited by: Tony Nitrous at: 19/8/05 4:20 pm
The clutch thing indicates its working.You must have the right one.. <i></i>
Do you have a multimeter Tony <i></i>
Hi Tony. Sorry to ambush this discussion, but would you mind having a look at the "Hair Dryers vs Overbore kits" (Technical discussion) and adding your 2 cents worth?
With a name like nitrous I assume you'd know abit about it...
"sometimes, crime does pay"
No, no multi-meter here... Doooo !!!
OK, I just found out it is the 6.8k ohm resister that deresticts Busa's in 1st, 2nd and Top gears.
And that a GSXR6 / 7 and TL1000R de-restictor is 15k ohm,
Can i test mine just buy getting an auto-electician to put a meter on it ? or is there any other way of telling....
NO ! I dont want to see if it holds back at 300kph !!! (just yet)
Tony J
04 Busa
yes, check it's resistance with a multimeter <i></i>
Just in case anyone is interested....
Went to Super-Cheap today ( 'cos I was working next door )
Bought a cheap multi-meter for $13, never owned one before.
Read instructions.
Went home.
Off with the seat (2 screws)
Off with the tank (2 screws)
2 or 3 minutes at the most,
(My favourite Suzuki dealer wanted $45 to do this!)
Unpluged TRE,
Tested across the Pink and Black terminals of the TRE on the loom side, not the gearbox side, and.........
Spot on what it should be.
Tony is now a happy little bunny that its in, fitted, and working, and he knows it IS the right one.
Not so happy that it doesnt seem to do much, I was expecting more or a differance in 1st and 2nd.
O-well, live and learn.
Still needs more power,
Tony. <i></i>
Won't do much without a remap Tony as you need to fuel it to suit the ignition change
FF1 <i></i>
Hadn't thought of that !
The list grow's ever longer.
Just another thing to add Tony,what did the plug in tre cost ya......a few hundred bucks maybe?You can go to dick smith electronics and buy a 6.8k resister for about 5c,does the same thing! Phuck its the phantom!<i></i>
No, didn't cost that much.
Spent $35,000 with the local bike shop in the last 12 months and was in there after some bits so got a deal on one.
Thought about "doing the snip & 6 cent" job but the bikes still under warrantee.
Looking back, mmmmm.....
yes, you might be right.
<i>Edited by: Tony Nitrous at: 20/8/05 5:53 pm