29-12-2008, 01:37pm
I have been told that Tony Armstrong passed away a few months ago.
A bit sad to have not known about it as I would have liked to attend the funeral as I am sure some others would have too.
Tony was ill for some time. Cancer I believe.
The last time I saw him was at Rocket Rod's funeral.
Can somebody else reconfirm his passing please?
I have heard it from a good source who rang his work and was told.
If possible dates etc. A few more pics would also be good.
Then, I think it only proper that he be added to the Gone But Not Forgotten thread.
He was a great bloke and although not so active on the board I and a few others had ridden with him several times.
Tony at Cleos a while back (RHS)
and Jindy 2005
A bit sad to have not known about it as I would have liked to attend the funeral as I am sure some others would have too.
Tony was ill for some time. Cancer I believe.
The last time I saw him was at Rocket Rod's funeral.
Can somebody else reconfirm his passing please?
I have heard it from a good source who rang his work and was told.
If possible dates etc. A few more pics would also be good.
Then, I think it only proper that he be added to the Gone But Not Forgotten thread.
He was a great bloke and although not so active on the board I and a few others had ridden with him several times.
Tony at Cleos a while back (RHS)
and Jindy 2005