Sydney Bike Show
To those that went to the Sydney bike show this weekend I am sure you enjoyed the venue as much as I did , the displays were all good and the bikes on show all accessible to check out riding positions .
Of course I gravitated to the Suzuki Display ( which only had 1 Hayabusa) on display but nevertheless it was a standout. and drew a lot of attention . For my part I was most impressed by the B king
which I had not been able to have a good look at before .
The new Gixa 1000 is a Stunner , Definitely a designers dream to play with . I must admit to have taken a shine to the New Yamaha R1 in the white and cherry bronze frame colour. (I like Yamaha's as well )
Even kawasaki came up with a somewhat decent scheme for it flagship 1400 ,but still not up too the Hayabusa Standard yet .
$17 well spent and the promo girls added a touch of class to the day as well . a great day for all bike fanatics no matter what you ride Clap

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