just an introduction
hi everyone just thought i would introduce myself. first of all checked out most of your site and think its great- seems like heaps of intersting characters in the club.
my name is John, 46 year old fart, work too many long hours doing shift work. decided it's my turn to get somethingi want instead of everybody else in the family after buying cars for the kids and supporting the lad's motocross for the last 10 years i think i deserve some me time so hayabusa it is!!! even though everybody will think im going through a mid life crisis the truth is now the kids are supporting themselves i'll have more money to spend on me!!
anyway been busting my gut to put money away- slowly getting there, was hoping to have the money before xmas but thats not looking too good Undecided but i will get there eventually.
would like some input on what to look for - the do's & don'ts on buying. so far iv'e decided on not buying one thats done more that 30k and the colour well the colour is the hardest part my heart says just go for the latest model with the money i save and low kilometers but the devil in me says go the copper/silver. hope eventually after i have a bit of time to get used to the beast would like to go on road trips to meet other members.
p.s. any info you would like to send to me on buying my busa would be appreciated.
born to be mild
do you want a gen 1 or a gen 2 busa either way youll be happy
bigfoot Wrote:do you want a gen 1 or a gen 2 busa either way youll be happy

thanks for the quick reply bigfoot this might make me look stupid and show how green i am trying to get back into the motorbike scene after 20 years, but what is the difference between a gen 1 & gen 2?
born to be mild
Huge differences.
The gen II is 10 years newer in design and about 12 percent better in performance.
But - great savings can be made on a reasonably new GEN 1 bike.
The Gen 11 has the added advantage for new (TO BUSA) riders of a power selection option on the handlebars that you can dial up how much grunt you want, till you get used to the full impact of about 180hp compared to the 164hp of the GEN 1.
A well looked after GEN 1 bike will last for years to come and may be a good cheaper option.
There are discussions here on the site about the technical differences between the 2 models.
You have the advantage of reading up before you buy as opposed to most of us who find the club after making the choice.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Welcome, you asked for some input so here's my thoughts. If i read it right your 20 yrs off a scoot & bikes have changed big time since then. Me thinks unless you were crashing handlebars with robbie, mal & croz you'd be far better off improving your road craft on a smaller lighter bike for starters. I feel i can get rusty after two weeks of not riding,that's me. Saying that i'm sure you can ride ,change gears throttle control,front brake & the rest.The busa is one mother of a bike, one of the heaviest as well as fastest, you may find that say if you bought a 600 & fanged around on that for maybe 12 months, did some advanced riding courses you'd be better prepared & may enjoy more of what the busa has to offer.
But hey what do i know about you, zip , so if you disagree you can give me both barrels ,whatever you decied to do that enjoyment factor hasn't changed one iota, good luck with whatever you get.
BUSGO Wrote:Huge differences.
The gen II is 10 years newer in design and about 12 percent better in performance.
But - great savings can be made on a reasonably new GEN 1 bike.
The Gen 11 has the added advantage for new (TO BUSA) riders of a power selection option on the handlebars that you can dial up how much grunt you want, till you get used to the full impact of about 180hp compared to the 164hp of the GEN 1.
A well looked after GEN 1 bike will last for years to come and may be a good cheaper option.
There are discussions here on the site about the technical differences between the 2 models.
You have the advantage of reading up before you buy as opposed to most of us who find the club after making the choice.

thanks busgo that makes things a lot clearer but the bank account will pick the gen 1 well the lovely wife agrees tooLol2
born to be mild
arthur dunga Wrote:Welcome, you asked for some input so here's my thoughts. If i read it right your 20 yrs off a scoot & bikes have changed big time since then. Me thinks unless you were crashing handlebars with robbie, mal & croz you'd be far better off improving your road craft on a smaller lighter bike for starters. I feel i can get rusty after two weeks of not riding,that's me. Saying that i'm sure you can ride ,change gears throttle control,front brake & the rest.The busa is one mother of a bike, one of the heaviest as well as fastest, you may find that say if you bought a 600 & fanged around on that for maybe 12 months, did some advanced riding courses you'd be better prepared & may enjoy more of what the busa has to offer.
But hey what do i know about you, zip , so if you disagree you can give me both barrels ,whatever you decied to do that enjoyment factor hasn't changed one iota, good luck with whatever you get.

arthur i agree totaly with you thats what i was going to do.
but if i got a 600 i would get stuck with it because once i got a bike
there is lots of other things to save 4.
besides i am not in a hurry to reach 300km wellGhastly
and the roads were i live are pretty freindly and i am in no hurry to go to far or deal other traffic and try not to let the power go to my head.
ps thanks arthur 4 your concerns
born to be mild
hey Mate,
the Gen is becoming a bit of a bargain at the moment as it is a buyers market really!!! so make the most of it before things get better.
my mate is looking at a Busa but he is going the Gen 1 due to the bargains to be had......you will get a good example somewhere between 10 and 11 grand with all the extras and around that 30 thou klm 06-07 model, you'd have to add at least 6 grand extra to get a gen 2.
anyway Welcomeand enjoy the site...plenty of interesting discussions and the same amount of useful information as well Very Happy
I'd rather be riding my Hayabusa thinking about God than sitting in church thinking about my Hayabusa

I turned 46 a couple of weeks ago and put off buying a Busa for too long, (I've had/got 'lesser' bikes). Since I've bought the Busa I no longer need the anti-depressants, food has regained its taste, the air seems cleaner and the sky brighter, my sex life has improved out of sight (wife is now happy I 'wasted' the money on a two-wheeled red sportscar), my career is now progressing ("That young Camel chap certainly is a go-getter") instead of greying out and my hair follicles appear to be stimulated!

For the love of God Man! Buy the Busa!

But remember, power comes at a price. And although you still need to ride as if the cars are out to get you, there's an awful lot more of them out there now.....

Camel the Virile
humbussa Wrote:hey Mate,
the Gen is becoming a bit of a bargain at the moment as it is a buyers market really!!! so make the most of it before things get better.
my mate is looking at a Busa but he is going the Gen 1 due to the bargains to be had......you will get a good example somewhere between 10 and 11 grand with all the extras and around that 30 thou klm 06-07 model, you'd have to add at least 6 grand extra to get a gen 2.
anyway Welcomeand enjoy the site...plenty of interesting discussions and the same amount of useful information as well Very Happy

hey humbussa
thanks 4 the info looks better every day 4 looking 4 a busa,but i havent seen a 06 or 07 4 that price,hope i dont see one to soon as i only have 8 grand so far and saving more this time of the year is hard but i wont stop trying.
ps if u see one please let me know (cheers)Scary
born to be mild
Camel Wrote:John,

I turned 46 a couple of weeks ago and put off buying a Busa for too long, (I've had/got 'lesser' bikes). Since I've bought the Busa I no longer need the anti-depressants, food has regained its taste, the air seems cleaner and the sky brighter, my sex life has improved out of sight (wife is now happy I 'wasted' the money on a two-wheeled red sportscar), my career is now progressing ("That young Camel chap certainly is a go-getter") instead of greying out and my hair follicles appear to be stimulated!

For the love of God Man! Buy the Busa!

But remember, power comes at a price. And although you still need to ride as if the cars are out to get you, there's an awful lot more of them out there now.....

Camel the Virile

hey camel
great stuff camel u made me feel ten years younger just by reading that,just need 2 save a bit harder,or get my lovely wife 2read your message on the better sex part and just maybe she might slip me some extra cash.Lol2
ps loved the message(cheers)
born to be mild
with 8k budget, you cud pick up a great early model Gen 1 maybe even a copper/silver. They may have high k's but with a looked after owner theres not much to fear.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
Volvi Wrote:with 8k budget, you cud pick up a great early model Gen 1 maybe even a copper/silver. They may have high k's but with a looked after owner theres not much to fear.

hi volvi
i would love 2 buy one now but i better stick 2 my plan of under 30.000klms and latter model, just got 2 keep on saving.
i also need a bit extra 4 new riding gear i like the dragon camouflage trousers and helmet,gloves ,jacket
hey camel got me worked up and inspired Lol2
born to be mild
It was the sex life thing wasn't it!
Hey John Welcome to the club mate and yes it doesn't matter what model you get you will be in Smitten with it.

I 1st rode the busa back when they 1st came out and I said back then that is my next bike and yes it finally happened this year I got a K8 and Smitten the thing to bits every time I ride it there's a grin from ear to ear.

So keep on saving he who's patient gets what he wants..Yes a Hayabusa

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