ok who here has done the 02 starter mod with the bush to stop kickback my cheesecake is starting to worry me I need people i can get one from prices and how to fit anyone out there that can help Regards Bill
"Secret Mod Group Is Kicking Butt"
Busa's Rule On The Rest<i>Edited by: Xhiler8r at: 18/9/05 9:10 am
Bill, this modification came in on 03's and above.
You are concerned about nothing as your bike is std in configuration its not required.
Mod is there mainly for people who try to start their bikes when the battery is just about RS and therefore cant spin the motor quick enough.... and she coughs backwards. Also can be an issue in very cold climates ie Europe and Nth America when bikes are started covered in snow.... they turn over very slow.
Oh yer the cost is well over $1000 in parts alone. Not just an after market bush / sleeve as suggested. <i>Edited by: Gazza414 at: 9/9/05 6:34 am
A new battery sounds cheaper eh Bill!!
Leonard. <i></i>
the battery is in very good shape and it doesnt matter if the bike is hot or cold it still clunks when trying to start I am only after the add on bit for my own sanity as prevention is better than cure and I dont think I want a crank in the engine casing
I rode it to Suzuki this arvo and he reckons it is the clutchesin the stater motor that need repairing what you guys reckon?
Regards Bill
"Secret Mod Group Is Kicking Butt"
Busa's Rule On The Rest<i></i>
The Bush that goes over the case spigot doesnt prevent kick back-- it helps if the motor does back fire when starting--- but this only happens when the battery is RS or running a very modded motor and high CR or capacity.
Has the motor back fired or kicked back whilst starting Bill? <i>Edited by: Gazza414 at: 9/9/05 6:09 pm
Find out what the prob is 1st Bill, otherwise its sounds as though you are pissing in the wind . The other question on the *.org really doesnt make sense.
What happens if they "kick back" is the idler gear shaft where it engages in the cases cracks.
What mod are you referring to??? <i></i>
Gazza do you know what I am talking about if so elp me out with the question so people understand
I have read ages ago that with the starter kicking back it can crack the block that is all i am worried about
Suzuki reckons its the starter clutch I would like to try smaller amount of money options before I fork out nearly $500 to suzuki of rnew starter clutches and with no guarantee that it will fix the problem
I spoke with pete's pitstop today and he knows what I am refering too but is out of stock apparently it is some sort of plate that sits near the block so if the gear breaks it does no damage
Is this making any sence to you Regards Bill
"Secret Mod Group Is Kicking Butt"
Busa's Rule On The Rest<i></i>
yeh it has started backfiring recently Gazza only when cold thou never when it is hot
You think it might be time for another tune? Regards Bill
"Secret Mod Group Is Kicking Butt"
Busa's Rule On The Rest<i></i>
This, along with 2nd gear problems as far as I've read, only seems to be a problem with the Americans.
That said, a lot of 'em say don't release the starter button until the bike fires, and put it on a battery tender at the end of the day. This is what I do, and I've also put in the uprated Yuasa battery from the Honda ST1300. Magic! <i></i>
Good advice from Gazza Bill ..................as said the case collar helps prevent major case damage if "kickback" occurs but indeed better to fix the prob so it doesn't occur. Collar is good insurance but no guarantee
FF1 <i></i>
ok had the battery tested today and it is cranking 200amps under load the guys says the battery is perfect
I guess I will start with starter clutches and see where that leads me
On the back firing what ya reckon about maybe the throttle bodies need tuning havent been done ever maybe its time ? Regards Bill
"Secret Mod Group Is Kicking Butt"
Busa's Rule On The Rest<i></i>
Bill , if you like a can put a series of pics together to help you understand the starter motor gear train down to the crankshaft incl pics of the 03 and up system.
Battery is still the main issue unless your starter is not as good as could be and is cranking the motor slowly.... as you are now aware the 32bit ECU on 02 and up adds a little more ignition advance in the starting map than previous models which doesnt help if all else isnt spot on. I have a 02 model and have never had any probs with the starting or backfiring / cough, except when the battery was run down
Suggest try starting the bike with the jumper leads onto a car battery and see if there is any "marked" improvement in the rate at which it spins the motor.
Starting becomes an issue when the motor is hot mainly. <i></i>
thanx Gazza any help is appreciated But I did have the battery tested and they reckon pumping 200 amps under load he said absolutely nothing wrong with battery
The kick back has been going on since around 1000ks and I have spoken to My dealer and they said nothing to worry about
So basically the bike is going in to get new starter clutches either this week or early next week whenever the parts arrive
I wiil order that sleeve from Pete's Pitstop just for protection purposes but in no way am I doing just that I want it fixed
It is starting to be like owning a Harley damn i never would have thought I would compare my bike to one of those buckets of shit but it is in the way of it is looking great but wont start
So for now I am playing the elimination game start at one end and keep going until it is fixed I know dennis was saying that I should upgrade to an 03 starter but why what is the difference between the 2 Regards Bill
"Secret Mod Group Is Kicking Butt"
Busa's Rule On The Rest<i></i>
Do you have a TRE fitted ??
Also what is your idle speed ?? <i></i>
Parts are ordered Bill
I read you had battery tested ...............but did they also check starter motor current draw? It could be poleing and creating excesive current draw, which no matter how good the battery is, the starter may be drawing to much amperage (Load) Must be tested under load condition and find out how much current draw it is creating when tring to start. Also check earth to frame connections.
FF1 <i></i>