Busa / R11 Top yoke's ?
Just been having a look through some of my old bike mag's,
reading a write-up on 5 guy's who all own and drag Busa's in the Netherlands / Holland.
all using different pipes / swingarms etc,
then I got to the bit that said....

"also has the same front end modification shared by all the drag racing Hayabusa's of swapping the stock top yolk and bars for the same from an early 1990's GSX-R1100."

Anyone done / seen this before ?
Know what the differance is ?

Tony. <i>Edited by: Tony Nitrous at: 23/7/05 7:15 pm
Tony I believe it is talking about the triple tree that some of us have in the way it lowers the front end the 1k Suzuki's can lower their front end without swapping triple trees unlike the stock busa's then again I might be way off Regards Bill

Busa's Rule On The Rest<i></i>
That would make sense !

I was thinking it was to get different clip-on's,
but you mean its to drop the front end by raising the forks through the new R top yolk ? Is that right ?

does the same job as...



I have never seen those before most of us use the new triple clamps

here is the one on my bike Tony

and here is the one on Shaynes bike

Notice the size of the holes where the forks are comparedto stock ones

also in my opinion it is better to use straps and strap the front down than just lowering through the clamp at least the straps compress the forks and when you wheelstand the sucker down the straight it has a lot less chance of bottoming out when it comes down Hope this helps in anyway

next Q where abouts do you live I keep seeing a bike like yours around the Daisy hill area is that you? Regards Bill

Busa's Rule On The Rest<i>Edited by: Xhiler8r&nbsp; at: 23/7/05 9:10 pm
Now I understand,
Several ways of doing the same job.
I see what you mean about using straps, front end being shorter but firmer to save bottoming out.

Been to Daisy Hill a couple of times,
(Mate has a stunning Spondon and a Norton Rotary down there)
but No, probabley not me.
live at Carina Heights.


Tony <i></i>
Can I ask a question of the modification Guru's please? What size socket do you get to fit the large nut fronting the top triple tree please? I can't get a socket on it and the genuine Zookster part costs like $80+ I don't think so.


Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
1 1/4 AF (12 point) or 32mm if thats all you got
Take it easy with the nut, its only alloy and its really soft <i>Edited by: aBUSa at: 26/7/05 5:57 pm
For normal riding I agree with your comments Bee. As this technic is for Drag Racing, its only a compromise for us weekend warriors, hopefully we wont be wheeling that hard!

By using the straps we can preload the fork springs to there lower limit where there is more of a tendency for them to contract rather than compress, only reducing the chances of bottoming out. At full height/travel there is also more momentum to allow it to bottom out.

The other side of lowering by straps is we are reducing/limiting travel unlike lowering through the Triple Tree where we have full travel and a greater risk of damaging parts.

Well thats how it was explained to me!

Hope it helps. <i>Edited by: aBUSa at: 26/7/05 1:22 am
I think your confused about straping the front down stopping it bottoming out. If you land a wheelie hard enough to bottom out the suspension, then having it preloaded with straps wont stop it. You would need to wind in your compression and preload on the adjusters, or add a few mm of oil. But that wont help lowering it.
But on standard settings, i doubt you would bottom out the suspension without buckling your wheel. <i></i>
Thanks Abuser, I'll give that a try.


Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Well said Shayne and i totally agree cause I was forever bottoming out when it was only 50mm off the ground at the drags Regards Bill

Busa's Rule On The Rest<i></i>

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