Busa2 Orange Limited???
Was just looking at the Suzuki UK site, and they are listing their Orange/Black Busa's as limited (LTD)?? Wonder if this is the case elsewhere, or just a typo.

Suzuki UK Busa
Perhaps it means they won't revisit that colour in later models?
Licence Back!
Doc Wrote:http://link.brightcove.com/services/link...1134197971

Umm...it's the UK ad? Is that just for info or relevant to the limited colour??
That is just bloody bewdiful!

This will be the Copper of the new range. The first! and a collector of course.

Poetry in motion!


Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Simo Wrote:Umm...it's the UK ad? Is that just for info or relevant to the limited colour??
I think its what was played at its release in rome I read somewhere, but ran across the link while looking at the orange one , thought people may be interested in what it looks like live instead of a 2D picture .
Nice Vid!

Dont know about the Orange being Limited, it will probably out sell all others purely because thats the Suzuki have focused on.

As Max said the new Copper!!
Doc Wrote:I think its what was played at its release in rome I read somewhere, but ran across the link while looking at the orange one , thought people may be interested in what it looks like live instead of a 2D picture .

Yes, it is a good vid. And it is the Rome release promo, but I believe the UK are using it also. Very Happy

Can't wait to get my arse onto mine!!!!
Seriously that video is going to make me buy it,im freaking out.

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