Welcome back RaZ
Hey Chris,

Good to see your name back on the board.

Talk to you soon

good to see you back man. you left me here in vic with all these old blokes like aza and Geoff :P there aren't many of us younger owners mate we need as many as we can get to keep the old gits in line....
maggot Wrote:good to see you back man. you left me here in vic with all these old blokes like aza and Geoff :P there aren't many of us younger owners mate we need as many as we can get to keep the old gits in line....

Hey im young just ride like a old man Biker just ask Raz
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
lol i dont need to mate i've been stuck behind you before...

it doesn't really matter as long as you enjoy it each to their own
who, what, when, where, why?

Raz, good to see you back. give us a buzz some time, should catch up for a few drinks.
maggot Wrote:good to see you back man. you left me here in vic with all these old blokes like aza and Geoff :P there aren't many of us younger owners mate we need as many as we can get to keep the old gits in line....

FOrgot about me you Maggot?
I swear im the youngest member on the board...
Fcukn old c******* lolLol2
welcome back raz Welcome
Welcome back Razz.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
good to see we can always make up and get back on track. well done.

welcome back Raz.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
maggot Wrote:good to see you back man. you left me here in vic with all these old blokes like aza and Geoff :P there aren't many of us younger owners mate we need as many as we can get to keep the old gits in line....

FOrgot about me you Maggot?
I swear im the youngest member on the board...
Fcukn old c******* lolLol2

Who u callin old cun-s ??
Week Max you should have just shot him Ghastly
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
cheers - commando - have changed mobile numbers but want to catch up with ya soon.

Was good to see ya Max
[Image: nocensorship.gif]
Who u callin old cun-s ??

Whoever gets offended by it
maggot Wrote:lol i dont need to mate i've been stuck behind you before...

it doesn't really matter as long as you enjoy it each to their own

Whats that telling you Matt, being stuck behind Rod!!!! Action-smiley-083
Great to see you back Chris. The Woman says Hello to you and also to you Tez. Great meeting you Max, hope the ride was good for the trip home mate!!!
Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?
Gassick Wrote:Whats that telling you Matt, being stuck behind Rod!!!! Action-smiley-083

yeah well you know what its like riding behind me.... i've got those special fall off bits and mobile oil slick so I dont want to be responsible for him going down AGAIN! then again I guess it must be an interesting sight watching my mufflers wave at you when I overtake :P

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