It wasn't me. (Accident)
For all those peoples that have called my mobile and work. I'm and alive and well. It wasn't me nor my bike that was involved the the motorcycle accident in Inverloch this afternoon. The couple, Paul and Annie, are both ok. A few bumps and bruises, the poor ZX-9 on the other hand wont live to fight another day. Neither will the magna that turned in front of them. Both Paul and Annie said that their gear (Tiger Angel leathers, helmets, etc) did what they were supposed to do. (A little message there peoples!!! Wear your safety gear!!!) The accident wasn't their fault and Paul reacted well by all accounts but it was still unaviodable. Car and bike met and car won. Estimated 60 KM an hour bounce off the front of a Magna and by what i saw of the car and bike after the fact, very ,very lucky to be so well off.

Stop! and think, these are people we, ok, I, know. If it can happen to them, and Paul is a good safe rider, it can happen to anybody. Wear your safety gear if you've got it. If you do have it, for FARK sake get some. 90% of all car drivers are bloody hopeless (the other 10% ride bikes as well). This accident was a result of the car not seeing the bike (we assume). A bright coloured helmet, having your headlight on, and by all means, slowing down and watching the other road users to see if that make eye contact with you, are things that will keep you alive.

Think safe, ride safe, be safe!

Thanks to all who contacted me for their concern,
You could of posted this 5 weeks ago and i might not have been nocked off mine but i do agree if i did not have good gear on i would have been much worse than a broken colerbone glad your friends are ok
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Glad to hear all are OK. I visit my mate every week or more to do bits and pieces for him. 7 weeks and he's up to 200m on crutches and starting aqua therapy. It's a life changing experience. Serious stuff. He's not had a drink for 7 weeks for christ sake! Actually, it really does change things and he's really worried about getting on his bike again. Anyone who has been in A&E on a Sunday night realises just what a disproportionate contribution those on bikes make to intensive care and operating theatre numbers. I was sooo lucky to walk away unscathed, and glad to hear a few others have. Take care guys, ride defensively
Sometimes you can be doing all the right things & still get nailed Undecided

Like me for instance, I'm sitting at a red light in Melbourne central, get the green & accelerate. Then out of the corner of my eye I see movement from my right & go hard on the brakes.
As I did a red blur flashed across the intersection against the red light. I don't even know what sort of car it was as it was travelling so fast.Idiot2

Someone told me later that that particular intersection has a red light camera so the cage driver is farked, 6 pointer & big fine Knuppel2 I was wearing all the right gear, lucky I didn't need it.
Never ride the A model of anything.
Rev Wrote:Sometimes you can be doing all the right things & still get nailed Undecided

Like me for instance, I'm sitting at a red light in Melbourne central, get the green & accelerate. Then out of the corner of my eye I see movement from my right & go hard on the brakes.
As I did a red blur flashed across the intersection against the red light. I don't even know what sort of car it was as it was travelling so fast.Idiot2

Someone told me later that that particular intersection has a red light camera so the cage driver is farked, 6 pointer & big fine Knuppel2 I was wearing all the right gear, lucky I didn't need it.

Is 6 points and a fine enough? Did anybody read that bit in (i think it was AMCN) 70 year old hits a bike rider, the rider ends up in a coma and is still in it after 6 or 8 months and the driver... $200 dollar fine. Far out! I read it out loud to staff at school during lunch around in the staff room. General concensis, "bet he wont do that again" (<- please note the sarcasum) "talk about a slap on the wrist". And this is from a group of people who mostly think i'm an idiot.

Out on the roads, we ARE the victims! The councils are putting up barriers that will mame us at a minimum, and more likely kill us, should we be unfortunate enough to come into contact with them. (Wire rope fencing) Car drivers, on a good day, didn't see us. Yeah, there was a time i didn't ride. Way back then i don't remember ever seeing a bike on the road. No Sh*t! Before i rode i never saw bikes. Imagine how that must be for current car drivers. We ride, so, sub conciously we look for other bikes where your average cager doesn't. Our visibilty as a road user is up to us. Not just out there where our lives are in iminant danger, but, in the long term, when it comes to our right to be safe on our roads. A large part of our safety is up to us. Wear the right gear, ride in a safe manner, think defensively, treat all cagers like the potential weapon they are. I could go on, but my point is there. Add to this your responsibility to other riders and ask yourself, "Are you a safe and conscientious rider?" do you look for dangers to others and ask yourself how can we make our roads safer for 'L' plate motorcyclsit. It's not in LAMS, or in skills developement. To make them, and us, safe we need to be aware of danger and be willing to speak out! This unfortunate incident today illistrated a point i make to every rider i see in jeans and a t-shirt, or for that matter any fanshion choice that isn't life preserving. "WHAT THE F*CK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING???" I have taken keys out of ignitions of bikes where the rider wasn't wearing gloves. I've publicly humilliated riders i've seen stopped at traffic lights while they straddled their bikes in shorts or t-shirts.

6 demerit points and a fine doesn't send a message, neither does road rage (yeah, I'm talking to your Josh) Nothing the government is ever going to do with it's $50 levy (Victorians) is ever going to help you as a rider. You need to help yourself, and, any and every rider you meet by making them aware of the value of safety gear. Yes, you can legally ride down a public road in your birthday suit, provided you are wearing your standards approved helmet. But, a 15 meter slide on ashphalt in shorts from a 20 km an hour accident WILL leave you scared for life. Depending on where you ground away 3 inches of skin, fat, and muscle you may even loose the ability to walk. (loss of 30% or more of quadricep muscle can render you incapable of bipedal movement (unable to walk!)).

I might have had a few too many to drink at this point in time, but what i'm telling you is something i am passionate about. A full suit of safety gear, head to toe, can cost less than a thousand dollars. What is the abillity to walk worth to you????

6 points and a fine... nothing. What were you wearing when you had your lucky near miss?


Think! It might save lives!

PS yes, i'm an arrogant prick. But i still have a good point.
What was I wearing Confused

Near new Shoei full face helmet.

Alpine Stars heavy duty padded leather Jacket
with built in back protection.

Additional Alpine Stars back protector.

Alpine Stars Leathers

BMW Mottorrad carbon/leather boots

Alpine Stars premium gloves.
Never ride the A model of anything.

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