the clubs gone to the dogs
Yeh theres nothing like Mechanx, just to settle things down a bit.
And for little daniel,,,, hmmm give me some time on that one.
mechanx Wrote:Ha daniel ,you low life peice of shit ,take your bike and f*** off . TOSSER .are you a mate of raz?


Daniel, your a teacher, licenced to ride a bike in 77. I work in education and well, your attitude is nothing short of disapointing.

I have met some of these posters at Jindy, and the ones that i haven't i have respect for on account of their attitude online.

It's your choice who you are on here. Don't be another dipstick who chooses annonymity behind a computer to become an alter ego that they aspire to be. Be yourself and earn the respect of your online peers. We are all real people on here with a real passion in common. Don't come here fresh outa the box and judge people you don't know.

If you ride a Busa be proud of it and this club and contirbute.

Sorry if this is abrupt. I'm drunk, usual am at this time (alcho)
CapeBusa Wrote:Daniel, your a teacher, licenced to ride a bike in 77. I work in education and well, your attitude is nothing short of disapointing.

I have met some of these posters at Jindy, and the ones that i haven't i have respect for on account of their attitude online.

It's your choice who you are on here. Don't be another dipstick who chooses annonymity behind a computer to become an alter ego that they aspire to be. Be yourself and earn the respect of your online peers. We are all real people on here with a real passion in common. Don't come here fresh outa the box and judge people you don't know.

If you ride a Busa be proud of it and this club and contirbute.

Sorry if this is abrupt. I'm drunk, usual am at this time (alcho)

Pass the Jacks Geoff, it looks like it's going to be a looong night!

Hey Danny, you're welcome here mate. Just don't chase yourself away. Drag up a chair, relax with a drink and see some of the absolute shit we post here, because we're all mates.Fatman

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Madmax Wrote:
CapeBusa Wrote:Daniel, your a teacher, licenced to ride a bike in 77. I work in education and well, your attitude is nothing short of disapointing.

I have met some of these posters at Jindy, and the ones that i haven't i have respect for on account of their attitude online.

It's your choice who you are on here. Don't be another dipstick who chooses annonymity behind a computer to become an alter ego that they aspire to be. Be yourself and earn the respect of your online peers. We are all real people on here with a real passion in common. Don't come here fresh outa the box and judge people you don't know.

If you ride a Busa be proud of it and this club and contirbute.

Sorry if this is abrupt. I'm drunk, usual am at this time (alcho)

Pass the Jacks Geoff, it looks like it's going to be a looong night!

Hey Danny, you're welcome here mate. Just don't chase yourself away. Drag up a chair, relax with a drink and see some of the absolute shit we post here, because we're all mates.Fatman

Someone say Jacks?
Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?
Gassick Wrote:Someone say Jacks?

shit count me in too.

hehe max I'll bring my Village people's greatest hits cd and we can can sing Y.M.C.A togetherSmitten hmmm its good to see we have some new shit on the board cause things were getting far to serious and grown up like around here (yeah I know kinda my fault but Rod was in Tassie so someone had to be board NaziPi_thumbsup)
maggot Wrote:[quote=Gassick]
Someone say Jacks?

shit count me in too.

Where and when?
Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?
Don't forget the guitar and all sing along to Koom Ba Yah.
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
Gnarbunkle99 Wrote:Don't forget the guitar and all sing along to Koom Ba Yah.
I hope we sing the Ned from South Park version Yes
Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?
Astrobusa Wrote:Daniel... of course you are wanted around here.

Tell you what. When you've....

been a member here for years,
posted thousands of times,
become known and respected for your contribution to the group,
helped organise events,
given more than you've taken,
learned to ride a busa anywhere near as well as the man you're vilifying,
been a mate who's put himself out for others,
put your life on the line for your country and for people who can't defend themselves

...when you get to that point and some breeze-by heaps shit on you, then I'll stand up for you like I'm standing up for Max.

Until then, understand that one set of posts does not constitute the man and you know nothing about the man.

This is a community. You are part of it. You're wanted, everybody is welcome.

Max is no angel, but like everyone here he deserves a little respect.

So, stick around long enough to build a reputation like the one described above. Then, if anyone heaps shit on you, we'll back you up. Fair deal?

BRAVO..... well said Clap Pi_thumbsup
(Townsville, QLD) (for your sticker and sign needs)

Smitten 03 with a hair dryer - slammed and stretched (stealth mode engaged)
I'd suggest that Jindabyne in December would be a good place to suck jacks, and if any of you bastards brings the f*&^ing Village people cd, you may experience a feeling of being all alone in a big room!Lol3RollLol3

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
well what if I promise to bring the matching chaps and headdress?? I'll just have to give Mechanx a ring and tell him I need them back....

Seriously though dont know if I'll be able to make jindy this time, I'm heading to Europe in January with my girl and again in July for a couple of months so my holidays are pretty much gone.
But I'll see what I can do.
maggot Wrote:well what if I promise to bring the matching chaps and headdress?? I'll just have to give Mechanx a ring and tell him I need them back....

Seriously though dont know if I'll be able to make jindy this time, I'm heading to Europe in January with my girl and again in July for a couple of months so my holidays are pretty much gone.
But I'll see what I can do.

Sounds good bloke, Jindy will be for the pissheads, Europe is for the young lovers!

Good if you're there, good if you're saving for the trip.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Just watch out for the monster with the shotgun. I'm telling you Matt, you piss him off and he will take you out. lol. Can I have the keys before you leave?
mate its more the fact that he keeps a couple of AK's in the house...

and the mad bastards 7'1...

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