News On Rocket
A few people have been concerned that members may not be aware how serious the situation is for Rocket. They have said that the members should be informed properly so that they don't have to ask maybe later "why weren't we told?"
So I am going out on a limb here to update people..

Rocket has not really come out of hospital for around 8 weeks.
As far as I understand...stomach cancer...inoperable.
also secondary cancer on the liver.
He has had 2 rounds of intense chemo as a last resort with no success.

He has now decided to go off the chemo and drugs.
He has been relocated to Bethlehem
which is a pallative care hospital.

I am sure he would enjoy anyone popping in to say hello.
Just be aware that he gets tired and to not overstay your visit.

I went in and saw him last night for 20 mins, the new place seems a lot fresher and has views of the bay which he was rapt about.
He is even going home for a day on Sat which he was really looking forward to.
He also said he was eating a fair bit again for the first time in probably 6 weeks since off the chemo and really enjoyed some coffees again!!!
He was the best I have ever seen him as far as attitude, awareness and his sense of humour goes.
But he still looks physically terrible and that is an prepared.
He is extremely thin and has a number one hair cut due to effects of chemo.

We all hope that some miracle gets Rocket out of this but at this stage that is what it would have to be.

These are the hard facts.

He is looking the situation right in the eye without flinching which I think is amazing.
I am not sure I would handle the situation the same.

It makes me proud to see his courage.

I can't put it any plainer than that.
He would be able to give you more info I am sure.
I have tried to not get too private or personal well because it IS personal.
Hope this helps paint the picture.
Give him my best wishes DJ and tell him to fight like hell.
Thanks DJ..........
Never ride the A model of anything.
Thanks DJ, you are right, I did want to know. Tell him to try.

Thanks DJ
and Best wishes to Rod

"May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day, and may their arms be too short to scratch." Ghastly
I appreciate what the Melbourne crew are going through and I thank you all for doing your best to keep both Rod and the rest of us as perked up as possible.

It is no surprise that the members we bag the most, are usually the most memorable and missed when they are not on the board.
Please pass on our best wishes. ( I know that you already are ).
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
I for one, was very surprised when I heard the news last night. Up until then, I thought Rod was sick, but nowhere near the seriousness of the situation, as it stands.

I am glad you came out and gave a proper appraisal of the situation Pete.
yes its better to be honest and out in the open, thx DJ for going out on a limb in doing so.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
Couldnt have said it better pinky,im on the same boat.
I am glad you have come out and explained it to everyone Pete.

Seems like a few people, haven't realized how serious his situation is.

Good on ya...Pi_thumbsup
never fly higher than your angel.
The Womans and my thoughts are with you Rocket!
Woman,where's my wallet?
And whats for tea?
Also thanks DJ & Go Hard Rocket you can beat it Pi_thumbsup
Good onya Rocket Man, we are all thinking of ya.Pi_thumbsup

Thanks for the words DJ.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Thank you for that DJ..we are all thinking of him.
I haven't met the vast majority of you guys and girls on the low side of Australia, but have exchanged a few threads now and again, so feel I know a few of you. Rocket's one of them and my best wishes go to him for the very best quality time he can get. I'm sure he appreciates the visits s please pass on my thoughts.

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