Busdriver Wrote:Would they get the message if no one voted at the next election. I mean every voter in the country just turned up, had their name crossed off as attending and wrote "f*** You All" across the ballot paper. Might give them the message. I see a lot of them through the local airport and they think they are so important and treat you like shit. Next time I'm going to remind them who their employer is. It's f*&^ing ME, and the people of this country. If I treated my employer like they treat their's I'd be out on my arse.

It's about time they were made to realise who "their" employers are. What about "Work Choices"? It is us who should be setting their conditions of employment, not themselves.

Sorry, but they piss me off. It's for your saftey, It's for a better enviroment, It's for something else, and there is always a friggin fee or tax attached to it.

Maybe we are in a Matrix while they bleed us f*&^ing dry.

Later guys...the men in black suits are knocking at my door.

ClapIt all sounds good but at the end of the day Busdriver there are too many softc***s who will tick a box instead of writing a big F**K Y** on the form - im just guessing cause i havent encouraged any of the wankers for the past ten years , they will just make their own shit up - my 2 cents + GST
Next Election, I'm voting 1 for f*** Off Trophy
never fly higher than your angel.
Yeah, let's be like the US where it's your democratic right to NOT VOTE.
That way a powerful minority can elect a f-tard like Bush........oh hang on, we have our own, the guy who fcuked the economy in the 70's and early 80's as treasurer under Fraser.......

They're all the f*&^ing same, and not that I'd ever vote for the Democrats, The old Chippster had it right about keeping the bastards honest....
knowing that we might vote them out, keeps them from ripping the franger off while they're giving it to us up the arse. (edit: metaphorically speaking)
last one I rocked up - said I didn't believe in this bullshit - got my name ticked off & that was it.

how the f*** can it be called a fair vote when if you vote for a non major party your vote could end up going to one for the win?

all rigged! I hate it! like many have said - f***'em all. fire all the pricks & re-hire hard working people, farmers, business people (some) - all those who know what they are on about to lead the country. but also make their pays fall in line with the rest of the country so they are effected by the laws they choose to pass. a government should never be allowed (I think) to pass laws on to a country that they them selfs can not be affected by.

"People should not fear their governments - governments should fear their people"
Next there will be a fart tax and a fine from the EPA to go with it. Scary

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