Some interesting stats to mull over....

Based on Government Reports it is estimated that 1,381,700 speeding fines will be issued this year in addition to the 5,425,336 speeding fines issued between 2000 & 2005.

That will be 6,807,036 speeding fines!

There are only 3,500,000 licenced drivers in Victoria.
The Wild Wind Wrote:Some interesting stats to mull over....

Based on Government Reports it is estimated that 1,381,700 speeding fines will be issued this year in addition to the 5,425,336 speeding fines issued between 2000 & 2005.

That will be 6,807,036 speeding fines!

There are only 3,500,000 licenced drivers in Victoria.

speeding is good business...

if people stopped drinking alcohol, smoking and driving their cars, the country would be crippled ahahah
The government is full of tosbags.
f*** there life.
so that is close enough to two per person can someone take mine Confused
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
BUSA-RO Wrote:so that is close enough to two per person can someone take mine Confused

i dont know about you, but im doing my bit for the average...
I added to the NSW coffers coming home from Jindy but I'm not giving anything to Victoria at this time. Sorry guys you'll have to carry this burden without me. :p
Don't get me started on this topic,

it always raises my blood pressure Knuppel2
Pink Angel Wrote:Don't get me started on this topic,

it always raises my blood pressure Knuppel2

just ask them though, its about "safety"

hahahaha what a joke
Quote:just ask them though, its about "safety"
hahahaha what a joke

It's not about safety it's about thier superannuation plans. Knuppel2
Someones gotta pay for those bastards and their super plans are twice as good as any one who works for a private company

Self serving c&*ts the lot of them Knuppel2 Showback
Cheers Taub
[Image: Banner_blueandwhite2.jpg]
Taubusa Wrote:
Quote:just ask them though, its about "safety"
hahahaha what a joke

It's not about safety it's about thier superannuation plans. Knuppel2
Someones gotta pay for those bastards and their super plans are twice as good as any one who works for a private company

Self serving c&*ts the lot of them Knuppel2 Showback

and they have the nerve to ask for pay rises. hahahah
Would they get the message if no one voted at the next election. I mean every voter in the country just turned up, had their name crossed off as attending and wrote "f*** You All" across the ballot paper. Might give them the message. I see a lot of them through the local airport and they think they are so important and treat you like shit. Next time I'm going to remind them who their employer is. It's f*&^ing ME, and the people of this country. If I treated my employer like they treat their's I'd be out on my arse.

It's about time they were made to realise who "their" employers are. What about "Work Choices"? It is us who should be setting their conditions of employment, not themselves.

Sorry, but they piss me off. It's for your saftey, It's for a better enviroment, It's for something else, and there is always a friggin fee or tax attached to it.

Maybe we are in a Matrix while they bleed us f*&^ing dry.

Later guys...the men in black suits are knocking at my door.

Busdriver (aka Les)
It shoud give you incentive to ba a good little boy or girl and leave the supplemental tax donations to the rest.
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
I just got my rego papers. What is with the $515 rego.

I did get a pamphlet explaining how our extra levey does wonders for us.. They gave examples like better signage or the fixing of potholes etc.. I dont know about you lot but I figured those things were general maintenance and improvements to keep all motorists and their vehicles protected from damages... Apparently car drivers dont need signage or better road conditions.
[Image: bmr.gif]
Q- why does a dog lick its' balls?
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
Because if he didnt keep a close eye on them, the government would lop them off and call it a levey and tell him that its for his safety
[Image: bmr.gif]

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