Roll Call !!!!!
Aza,DJ,Maggott & Raz hope all are home safe and sound. Great ride home today guys.And to all other Jindy travellers hope you all are home safe and sound as well. Mark and Gaye <i></i>
Hell yeeeeeeah! loved our ride today!! hope everyone got home all ok today & there were no problems

My bike made it home safe and sound - my first fuel up I look in the tank & saw a fair amount of crap in there - so will need to get it drained out & everything cleaned up but ran fine & pulled well... as a WRX'er found out

catch's all soon!! "Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"

volvi home about 6:30, Rods ok, muther, Richard, stephen ok last i saw them at taralgon. Corbinn saw him off heading into city. no trip dramas, just long. clocked 655k from Jindy on return. <i></i>
Yes dad, we made it. Even if Raz rides like a crazy man.
whatch talkin about Willis?? "Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"

put your pants back on dude, there was enough djpete undie action on the weekend to last us all a life time.

what was this thread about again.

WOMAN, where is My WALLET
Loafie, Pan and Franko home safely!

Crazy man? I've seen crazy men ride better than Raz!

What about Maggot? PLEEEEASE tell us Maggot made it without any "mods" for once! <i></i>
Quote:WOMAN, where is My WALLET

Pan - I think anyone can ride better then me atm "Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"

When it comes to CRAZY You wrote the book didn't you AZa <i></i>
To pan, great having met you finally.

ermm, remember you were saying something about noise from the bottom like clanking. well coming close to home I thought I heard some "clanking" from bottom of engine especially on take off from lights. thought i felt it thru left foot too. anyway way too early to tell for me what the fragg it is. i noticed only on taking off not neutral revving. any ideas anyone or pan? <i></i>
You two (AZA & RAZ) certainly go all Bollywood when the video camera comes out. Gaye got some good stuff comin home of you two <i></i>
if I didn't have the tank bag I would have pulled her up on the back rim can't wait to see them tho ;) (check ya pm's) "Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"

That is so weird Volvi. Franko and I noticed EXACTLY the same thing as we arrived home today. It's different to what I was talking about at Jindy... mine was a sound when starting a cold motor and would go away after a minute.

It seems to rattle on take off and accelerating at lower speeds.

We pulled over and had a look. Theory so far: Chain is old. Front sprocket is probably old. Maybe we should post this in the technical discussion?
"sometimes crime does pay"<i></i>
Home with a huge grin on my face,
I can't wait to see the Video's and pictures posted, bring em on. <i></i>
Quote:When it comes to CRAZY You wrote the book didn't you AZa

Crazy is as crazy does. so yep, im crazy. After a weekend with you lot its expected i think. Nearly had that little white cars back end as a new front end on the busa.. That was crazy. After that I remembered making a promise I would behave myself while away, so I had to go into solitary confinement for a while. I was then going so slow that, who is that. .. yep, DJPete, otherwise known as captain slow caught up. (only kidding pete)..


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