Rituals before or during your ride
A lot of people have little rituals they do.
Wondering if you do anything a little strange before or during your ride. Like carry a rabbits foot, always do a emerg brake test, say a quick prayer etc!
Are you kidding DJ? I'm just excited to get out there!!!!!
I test my iPod.

Sometimes it will skip the songs I have purchase on iTunes so I test it to see if it's working properly....and restart it if neccesary.

Busdriver (aka Les)
DjPete Wrote:A lot of people have little rituals they do.
Wondering if you do anything a little strange before or during your ride. Like carry a rabbits foot, always do a emerg brake test, say a quick prayer etc!

Yep, before I go for a ride, I sit on the toilet and poo Embarassed. I wait for as long as it take, and once that steamer has carried on through, I move on. Nothing worse than having Mrs Brown coma a knocking when you're doing 100+ around some twisties - it can be very distracting. Besides I don't like using public toilets, not because I am worried about the cleanliness, but because I always feel like someone is watching me Showback
T.M.I. Showback
Cheers Taub
[Image: Banner_blueandwhite2.jpg]
Achilles Wrote:
DjPete Wrote:A lot of people have little rituals they do.
Wondering if you do anything a little strange before or during your ride. Like carry a rabbits foot, always do a emerg brake test, say a quick prayer etc!

Yep, before I go for a ride, I sit on the toilet and poo Embarassed. I wait for as long as it take, and once that steamer has carried on through, I move on. Nothing worse than having Mrs Brown coma a knocking when you're doing 100+ around some twisties - it can be very distracting. Besides I don't like using public toilets, not because I am worried about the cleanliness, but because I always feel like someone is watching me Showback

a bit too much info?
Achillies you crack me up! Lol2

I have a ritual.

I stand on my footpegs and pull the crotch of my bike pants down as i ride off. There is nothing as painful as having two genital piercings crossed over one another when you have to jump on the anchors.

You asked, i shared.

almost same, lift pants at the hips to tighten the crotch, nothing worse then getting "pinched" while riding.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
i think a few of the girls on here would like to see a pic to explain that better Cape...lol
DjPete Wrote:i think a few of the girls on here would like to see a pic to explain that better Cape...lol

Here you go, here's a couple of pic(k)s. enjoy! Lol3
Nice pics. (pmsl)

Busdriver (aka Les)
and the almost real pics are up on the Gallery.
oh yeah...I do the Rossi side to side thing just as I take off to make sure no shit on tyres and bike feels ok.
Sometimes I scratch balls.
scratching balls is a given,

I usually check to make sure there is fuel in the bugger, then do
a rolling burnout down the driveway to remind the dogs not to let the bastard robbers in while I am gone.
Chopper says - "Harden the f*** up Australia"
I make sure the garage door stays down as im usaly safe if i dont ride out the garage Lol3
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
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