Jindabyne only gets a 4 day forecast, so we will get that early in the week.
7 day forecast currently suggests:
Melbourne: 16°C/34°C Fine
Canberra: 16°C/31°C Possible afternoon shower
Sydney: 21°C/28°C Mostly fine
You know, we could solve the drought problem by scheduling a Jindabyne trip for EVERY weekend .... <i></i>
Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography
"When you're feelin' down
When you feel
You need to get away
You can just fly away
I feel the world
Is going insane
If you feel the sun
You can just fly away."
Jean Claude Ades - Fly Away 2006 ...Try it.<i></i>
Fingers crossed Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
f*** nos I've got Velocity
<i>Edited by: Blackzook at: 19/2/07 7:27
I'm coming to Jindy on Friday arvo.
Just accept the fact that you will get wet.
I'm not using it anyway!<i></i>
f*** ME DEAD, why does everyone worry so much about if they're gonna get wet???
we're in the middle of a drought, I for one am more than happy to see it rain <i></i>
listen i dont care long as my hair dont get wet...
Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography
"When you're feelin' down
When you feel
You need to get away
You can just fly away
I feel the world
Is going insane
If you feel the sun
You can just fly away."
Jean Claude Ades - Fly Away 2006 ...Try it.<i></i>
It's ok if we get a I'm going the soft little pee wee Route. The weather is looking fine for most of the trip at least. <i></i>
8mm should be about 5min
13mm about 10 min
so all 15 min of rain not to bad
0433 92 99 22<i></i>
Don't worry Pete, you cant tell under the helmet and I'm bringing plenty of product with me (you have no idea how much crap I need to use to make that mo stand up all day)
well i havent decided wich bike to take beauty or the beast but i think the beast might win
0433 92 99 22<i></i>
friggen - that does sux - however I hope it moves on soon so we get up there & maybe just get a tail end of it.
actually the rain map shows it being ok - will have to watch it
so umm, anyone know how much those plastic suits are for leathers? "Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"
<i>Edited by: RaZ80 at: 19/2/07 18:47
I've got one of those hurricare suits that makes you look like the michelin man, keeps you dry thoug and they only cost about $80-90 <i></i>