Please Help Me Quick!!!
Can someone please help me before I pull what is remaining of my sultry locks. ConfusedConfusedConfusedConfusedPi_freak

I would like to have a custom Avatar and a pic of my bike in each post, and I cant for the love of Paris Hilton work out how to do it.

I would appreciate any help offered. I have pasted the link url from Photobucket of a resized photo, but it wont work, no way no how. How hard can it be.

Thanks in advance.
Go to user cp ...
go to change avatar you can use one from the gallery or up load one
think it should be bout 100 x100 pix
then go to change signature in the cp again insert your pic
once again no bigger than 100 pix (else the picture nazi will get you )
thats about it but if i'm wrong we have numerous members who will gladly point out my mistakesScary

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