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""what sort of bad names""
Arh like Fuckwit,cuntface,ugly,pedophile,batshit ,shark shit.
And if i think this, well and good Cause this would be my opion.Right?
And I give a f*** who cares Pal. u know why, cause it cost $1950 and if it didnt work why wouldnt i care, so i do give a f***. And how do u give a opinion when u dont have a f*&^ing idea how the bike handles with a light tank when u dont ,or have not ridden a bike with one on..
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forgot to take your tablet this afternoon ? i wanted a kevlar tank, will have to look around for one though
No one believes anything i say until they buy something and then its oh yeah this is heaps better,why didn,t i do this before.How much lighter are your wheels bruce? did you notice a difference?How much lighter is a ti force, 10kg down low on the bike?Do you notice a difference in weight, fuckinoath.Now if that weight is up high and forward on the bike,as stated it is surprisingly noticeable,that is why i,m getting one, because i,ve sampled the difference.For those interested come for a ride on dads bike,I,ll even put my stock wheels on it so no one can whinge about it.Like I,ve stated, performance parts are hard to sell through words.try it out and make up your own minds.
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Right up to the armpit I thing Glenn.:devil:
Bruce, you are a very bad man.
Max:ausflag:  busa::ausflag:
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
kawasuki Wrote:""what sort of bad names""
Arh like Fuckwit,cuntface,ugly,pedophile,batshit ,shark shit.
Ray I can really only argue that one of those bad names is untrue
Glen I have never had a Tiforce exhaust so cannot comment on them other than to say they have great reviews and appear to be beautiful quality.
Geesus you two are sensitive. Like I said I will buy a carbon tank off you guys they are a beautiful bit of gear and in my opinion worth the money. All I'm saying is that I cannot notice any improvement in handling with 5-6 litres less fuel less in the tank which is almost 5-6kg and carried high. Maybe I'm insensitive to the difference.
Wheels, pipe, brakes, carbon tank etc all add up to an immense improvement in the bike, all money well spent. But the tank alone ?? I fail to see how that alone could justify a comment like "
with dads kevlar tank it steers noticeably nicer than mine"
I think you would have to run the comparison on a stock bike with and without the tank to justify that comment.
You guys dont take negative comments at all well - even when they are not really negative.
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Glenn i think he is backing out 
I will have to send him a get well card.
"But the tank alone ?? I fail to see how that alone could justify a comment like "
Like i said your unqualified comment,which u are entitled to have, but it is one without experience ."with dads kevlar tank it steers noticeably nicer than mine". Well both bikes have similar mods but Glenn has no kevlar tank SO he does and i do feel the diff. between the bikes and its noticeable, anyone here,, I dont give a rats arse who buys a tank or not I am not trying to sell one I am just giveing my personal opion with experience on the subject, and no one is getting soft skinned Bruce as u do have a history of being in opposition to Glenn"s opinions and findings, and i couldnt be f****d going through all the threads to prove it. But we are old enough not to get offended. :ausflag:
Well for $1800 I will buy one for wank factor only. Not to mention bragging rights at the pub! And why would anyone paint something so sexy as carbon? Give me a list of what I can have in carbon and then give me a week to get a 3rd loan against the house, another week to fit em and 12mths to try to get the smile of my Guys work or not its sex
Im a person who lives and breathes measurable results.If i mention that something is better,it is.At the very least people are welcome to sample those claims on our bikes and make their own minds up.Making claims to discredit this does make me bite as i feel that it plants the seed of doubt in peoples heads before they have even become curious about a product.Having a shit stirr is fine but not at the sake of affecting someones income.If someone joked that your a pisshead to your boss and your his driver would you feel a little sensitive?The supposed (slow you down) stacks are doing nicely by the way.Hows that supposedly faster turbo going?Slower last time i checked.
As some of the prices are quite high, here is the direct pricing from custom carbon components 040303530990 Andrew Vitols.
Front guard $195
nosecone $1100
Tank $1500
Infill panels $600
Side Panels $2350
Tail $595
Hump $300
Undertail $175
As you don,t have to pay freight from os, some of these prices are quite good,though the side panels are considerably dearer than overseas. Andrew says they are all vacuumed formed so no pin holes that are common on alot of carbon bodywork which requires alot of clear coat to fill,so their is a saving straight away.The tank i saw of his was very good so i await his efforts on the rest of the bodywork.
Cheers spaman
I think to much effort is spent hammering products down peoples mouths. and to much tongue in cheek bashing of comments related to the products.
People in this country seriously don't know how to run businesses. This is a broad generalisation i know but its a sad truth.
If you want a buisness to succeed, everyone is a potential customer, no need to piss anyone off for a 2" dick extension.
btw, BAD customer/potential customer service is a pet peeve of mine.
For instance,
My mates wife gave birth early Mothers day morning. Late afternoon othat same day we goto a flower shop ( late night florist parramatta road burwood) ( a prominent one) and the missus asks for a tedy bear ( 80$) and some flowers, ( about hmm about 80) ridiculously overpriced, but nonethe less it has to be bought, as he is a best mate. She speaks to one of the till bitches and she agree's that she will do a quick rejig on the flowers and the tedy bear because its flowers for a new born and not Mothers day. It would take AT MOST 5 mins. alls good at this point...
While the Missus chooses another tedy, the chick is looking after someone else and the missus approaches the bloke at the till. She gives him the teddy and explains the conversation that just took place.
His response, " we cant do that we dont have the time"
missus response, throw the tedy in the shop and walk out.
I felt like getting out of the car and raming a couple dozen roses up a few orrifices of his, but common sense prevailed ( thank god).
thing is i regularly spend good money in this shop, and they have lost my business forever.
Moral of the story is quite obvious....
Sheesh Bruce, I was just going to go with Marvin as a bad name, but Ray took it to a whole new level!
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*hands out the chill pills*
Thanks for the prices glenn. Are you able to put the stock vs carbon fibre weight against those products.. I have no concept of what the differences are.. All I know is I would like my bike to be a bit lighter. (I'm not being a smartarse for a change, im actually interested)
The tank is the best weight saving per dollar.The other parts i can,t comment on yet as i,ve not seen and weighed them.I do know how to pull 30kg+ off a busa if your interested though.I,tll cost the price of a oldish second hand busa to do it though.Like i said go for a spin on dads bike,he doesn,t bite in person.  His bike is 28-29kg lighter from memory.
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Rays even got a carbon ''strap-on'' for his buddy's down at ''buts are us'' , love your work ray , you twisted boy you . What about carbon love swings ray ,OOOOHH the feel of raw carbon against your arse ? that would feel awesome ray ,can we have a roadtest report ray?
pink pantys 4 every one .see you in hell bitches
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I think u should read jessie928 thread on potential customers, u 2 timing f*&^ing whore, i told u to keep the carbon strap-on a secret.