Recommendations for bike service/tune in Sydney
Hi guys and girls…. Can anyone suggest a good place to have my ‘Busa serviced/tuned in Sydney or close by? I have had my bike previously serviced at Sydney City M/Cs but have found the bike de-tunes very quickly and they donâ€t seem to know how to tune it with a Power Commander installed. I am quite disappointed with the quality of the servicing they offer these days and want to get some feedback on where I can take it to be serviced? Any suggestions would be much appreciated?
P o t t s . . .
Well I'm going to Col at 10/10ths Performance in Warwick Farm on Wednesday this coming week for get my ECU re-tuned on the dyno since the addition of the Yoshi's and K&N Filter... Contact on 96029714... A lot of guys have used Col, so that's where I'm going :)
Regards, Grant...

Once a Busa Owner... Always a Busa lover! ;)
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Col @ 10/10ths - nuff said

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