Little things that piss you off
mybb Wrote:Rod, your jealousy is showing through again mate. Just buy your own already.. Some of those cute little kylie ones would look awesome on you dude.. Whack on a pink G, some hipster jeans and yah leather jacket and go for a blast. Would be a treat for anyone coming up behind you.. haha.. DJ would be trying to catch up for sure!!

Fark now theres a mental image that could scar me for life Scary
Yup Max you got it in one about being a mum and a wife. I don't go anywhere near Mr Tonys shed gawd knows what sort of mess is in there. I can't even pronoucne where Mrs Max is from so I guess the answer is no and great things come in small foreign packages (of course there are exceptions where size matters Pi_tongue)
DjPete Wrote:Saw this on another forum and thought it could be an interesting thread here.

Little things that piss you off...

Ok I'll start...
for example people who start threads about stupid topics...don't look at me! lol

Nice weather we have had this year :rolleyes:

:rolleyes: Oh bugger where are the cute rolling eye's icon ?

never fly higher than your angel.
:?People who state the bloody obvious like when you've ducked to the shops (wearing your bike gear & carrying a helmet) and they ask " do you ride a motorcycle?" I once answered " No I'm an unemployed Power-Ranger waiting for a gig" which was met with a very confused lookUndecided

big steve Wrote::?People who state the bloody obvious like when you've ducked to the shops (wearing your bike gear & carrying a helmet) and they ask " do you ride a motorcycle?" I once answered " No I'm an unemployed Power-Ranger waiting for a gig" which was met with a very confused lookUndecided


That must really piss you off, aye Steve?
lol steve, and the nice bike mate... no shit, if it wasnt, I wouldnt be on it.
[Image: bmr.gif]
"That must really piss you off, aye Steve?"

Mmmm.... do i detect a bit of psychoanalysing there Pan? Very Happy
people that judge others...
Hey Steve...
That must really piss you off, aye...

Shut up DJ, you fool!
Little things that piss me off ?

Women driving big SUV's , while on the cell phone , that run over a biker and their only excuse is " I never saw him."
toilet paper coming out from the back of the roll, insted of the front.
every body knows the correct way is from the front. why can't people just get it right for once.i mean just for once in your life woman, get it farkn right. is it to much to ask?
Hey Commando ....better yet kids leaving the toilet paper roll empty and me noticing it , AFTER I've done my business ![Image: arghhh.gif]
Meetings at work. Everyone says their bit, nobody listens and nothing changes.
Job interviews. I have to interview people but never know before hand. The project manager gives me a resume and says, need you to do an interview, I say when, he says now.. I have to read the resume on the way to meet the person.


I have to go to work soon.
[Image: bmr.gif]
trying to eat on a table with un-even legs.
man that piss's me off.
People who propagate hoax Email messages about undetectable viruses and also the chain Email that promise to bring you good or bad luck.

Sorry, I've had some from this board's members too but it really pisses me off.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO

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