Fire Truck Yeah - I'll pay the money anyway. I agree with previous comments. I get heaps of pleasure out of this club. The technical advice available, the social aspects, the ride days, the spannering sessions, this web site.

Cheap at twice the price i say

Tycho <i></i>
I have been thinking about what sort of shirt might sell. maybe this little lady will make the grade once I finish her. She should obviously be on a black busa. , here we go..stap yourself in, it's going to get bumpy. lol. I'll donate the pic to the cause if someones wants to take the ball and run with it. ie - make the shirts. vote with your fingers and make it known what you want. if someone has a better idea to suppliment the Club logo stuff that is already underway. Ignore those apparently wild lines, it is for shadowing, have faith. yes, Bruce. I was working on your bike when I started cooking this one up. I'm sure you recognise the pipe.

<i>Edited by: glen66 at: 27/7/06 11:51 pm
Yep! Just what we need.

Remind all the Honda riders that the Busa is a girls bike!

Over to you Rocketman.................

Those heels would scratch up the paintwork. <i></i>
hey Glen at least u could put TiForce on the can. Cheers,
Ya can't win, can ya? I can put a fat bearded man on there but what does that imply? oh yeah, that we are fat and have beards. I was pretty general with the can and it was no mistake that I didn't colour it. Gawd, I can already hear it. Blue's for poofters, copper's for poofters, blah, blah... lol.

Will we call that Strike 1? <i></i>
Quote:I can put a fat bearded man on there but what does that imply?
I didnt realise that you have already met Ray
N2O no laughing matter
I like it Glenn.
Well done! Cheers,

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist!<i></i>
Looks terrific Glenn, Heidi proves that it's a girls bike, she certainly knows how to ride it! Top picture bloke.

Max - actually rides like an old sheila!

Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Grey Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
Yeh Max is right ,he looked one on the back of a viffer one cloudy day. Cheers,
I have heard that Kawi is bringing out a rival girl in heels on their bikes now. Look, if you must. <i>Edited by: glen66 at: 30/7/06 3:46 pm
I like the design Glen - maybe you could make her look a bit raunchier to get away from the "it's a girls bike" and into something that guys want to look at - and maybe for Heidi's shirt you can put a raunchy type on it - is that a little too

Cheers Ruffy <i></i>
I think it's kind of suggestive. She doesn't look like she is enjoying the seat a bit to much? or is she checking the lightshow? <i></i>
Might be the Doctor from the US, we have been waiting for a pic of herself Cheers,
Ray - The good doctor is going to give you a generous cavity search soon if you keep it up - and she's got hands like Andre the giant!


P.S How the hell did we get here??? <i></i>

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