Brand new Gallery added
Just click the top Gallery link on home page.
You will need to become a member of this Gallery too! lol
Pls don't ask too many q's as I am still getting used to it too.
Have a play, create your own Galleries, leave comments, play slide shows, add vids.
Does it all. Optimises the pics for you but still try to keep file size down to say 250kb a pic b4 it is optimised.

I suggest file sizes of 250kb max.
You have a default quota of 10mb so use it wisely and everyone should be able to have heaps of personal pics...
What you cant bridge the log ons??

Nice feature DJ!!Pi_thumbsup
nice gallery DJ, any point in registering? as one cant upload as a member anyway?
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
Dj... tried to load 5 at a time, but it only accepted the first entry each time.
Volvi looks like you worked it out.
Astro files must be under 1mb each file
DjPete Wrote:Volvi looks like you worked it out.
Astro files must be under 1mb each file

Yup... I read the instructions Dj. All files were about 100kb each. Just tried again and all ok.... thanks.
Good work mr dj and thanks for cd and other thing in mail today Clap
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
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