Fat and Thin skins
Very curious to see who has started using the different skins and whether you have a preference for the full width or thinner skins...
Running Blue Black Slim at the moment, prefer the darker contrasting colours.
I like all my skins thin DJ, with curves in the right places of course!!
Fat. The whole thing. I like the default. Probably alone on that. Easy to read.
Prefer the wider versions... theres only two. How about a few more wide ones ? I'm using the Blue / Grey. Could use more wide options with muted background colours - most are pretty bright. Not complaining... just feedback.

Hey... just realised... I like my screens wide and dark.... unlike my women.
I don't think they have my type. Callous and cheap.
DjPete Wrote:Very curious to see who has started using the different skins and whether you have a preference for the full width or thinner skins...

11 people have chosen thin skins, 6 have chosen alternate wide skins, and the rest ar on default.
yeah saw that but how many don't even know what a skin is or where the drop down menu is...lol
I will always prefer the wide one, except in woman of course. using the current default one, am happy with it at least until there might be one tempting me to the dark side.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.
Pi_thumbsupblue /black slim for me Dj looks better on the page
I've stuck with the default. I like defaults
[Image: bmr.gif]
OH, just realised there is a no kanjis one, so have picked that now.
[Image: bmr.gif]

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