Number plate covers
Could you please let me know where you got your "protective" number plate cover? When you got pinched for having it, did you loose any demerit points as well as the fine?

If I recall correctly it's one of those ones that the number can be seen from directly behind, but as you move to the side to view it, the number becomes more and more difficult to view the wider you get. Is that right?

Cheers, SW.
Scott this site has them for sale
I think they are the ones you mean
Top gear at franskton has them as well.Went past flasher at 170klm while in Tassie still have not got fine yet.
Hey, I don't know what it does from angles, but I bought it to protect my plate from the weather... Southside Motorcycles in Punt Rd... No points... I think that answers most of the questions.
Yes, I agree Richard, it's only the weather getting to my number plate that I'm concerned about too. No other reason.

Greg, how long ago was it that you were in Tassie. I didn't know they had speed cameras over there.
Now, that would be a good excuse to move to the Apple Isle!
Has the club ever considered a group expedition to Tassie? I've heard from a few people that it's a great ride. (Once you get there on the boat of course).
Perhaps it's something to consider for the future, what do you all think?
Believe me - it's hard enough getting guys to committ to a day ride...
Scott, I actually bought one of the reflective covers from a shop in Vic (I'm in NSW) for about $60. It does make the numbers go blank when viewed from the side but I decided to take it off because if you were pulled I reckon you could get done for deliberately trying to hide your number plate (which, if proved, would be a serious offence). Plus, sites ive visited on speed cameras tell me that they dont really work.
So, if you provide your mailing address you can have mine gratis.
As it happens my rego plate is screwed to the top of my number plate and the damned thing keeps falling down and partially obscuring the numbers - thats something I really need to attend to when I get the time! (I dont know about vic but here obscuring the number plate - not deliberately or fraudently - attracts a $70 fine and no loss of points. If a camera cannot fully recognise all the characters it chucks the photo out - its processed automatically so I hear). David
Scott you should talk to greg64 as he was just over in tassie and I caught up with him ,We actually discussed the idea that the club should have a annual get together if possible and make it a different state each year.First year you could have in Tassie as there are some great roads over here if you no where to go to avoid the police and camera`s.
Have just arrived in Tassie(Launceston)for 3 months,roads and scenery are great,but beware,speed cameras and radars are like curly tails down here,every pig has got one.

Regards Graeme.
Came down from Devonport today saw 9 on the way down to Hobart thay are everywhere down here.
Police are having a blitz on covering up number plates here.
They are pulling bikes up all of the time now. Should make the Toy Run interesting.
I would appreciate that David, thanks for the offer. I am trying to get hold of your email address to email you my postal details.

Cheers, SW

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