Sydney Bike Thefts
Luke from Action Sydney was telling me there is a very aggressive bike thief ring in Sydney at the moment .

They stole his GSXR 750 which was chained to a pole - they removed the pole and took the bike - while pondering what to do another rider stopped and gave him a lift - apparently the thieves were watching - followed the guy home and later stole his bike too! (had a disc lock on as well)

Lowlife roaches !
Motorbike theft is almost always pre-planned - especially when devices such as disc-locks are used. Thankfully, they generally want Harleys more than anything else, due to the ease of offloading hot Harley bits.
Well if they want my Busa they'll have to get past the shotty & rotty I have there 4 days a week. All they have to do is guess which day !
A rotty with a shotty? Now that's protection!
I'm thinking the snake wrapped around the handle bars would be good too :)

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