Hey everyone how's it going?

I currently ride a 93' GSX250 (Across) and will have my unresticted license very soon. I'd love a 'Busa but I'm thinking it's probably not a good idea for someone with only twelve months experience! I do ride my bike pretty much everyday though and I also race my car at Lakeside, so I do know what I'm doing. What about a late model GSXR600?

Any thoughts?


Hi mate , DO yourself, and your skin/life a favour. Get a fair few more years under your belt before you even attempt to hop on a busa. Its a very potent bike, its not one to hop on after only experiencing a 250cc. Its VERY tempting i know but my advice is get yourself a 600.

Welcome to the club! Im a recent joinee myself and enjoy riding with other busa owners. I usually go for a spin somewhere on saturday morning (often to mt white and beyond) with Fox and others, so if you want to send your email address to me Ill include you in the weekly invite.
I and a couple of others were headed for Mt White on sat morning but when we got to Berowa it started pissing down - had to turn back!

My address is: bye, fenda
Hi Newbie
Apologies! I accidentally sent you a reply meant for Jessie. Yes, take it slowly re planning your next bike. Its really something only you can judge, but as Jessie suggested a 600 would probably be okay. Remember though that current 600's are very fast machines and need to treated with respect. Happy riding! bye, fenda
As you race cars it will probably be easier to understand when I say the Busa goes 0 to 100kph in 2.4 secs - so it would be a little like going from your Corolla to an F1 Ferrari ... However the Busa is an extremely easy bike to ride .. very tractable around town and shows none of the highly strung features of other high performance machines.

The point is though, learning on something like a 600 will make your eventual Busa experience way more enjoyable because you will know what it is like to be able to push a bike to the limits. Only EXTREMELY experienced riders can come anywhere near pushing the Busa to it's limits. The rest of us survive because of the extreme respect we have for the machine!

p.s. A GSXR 600 is a bike anyone would be proud to own!
Then again Shane, if you have a mature attitude to riding and can exercise a little restraint with the right wrist go straight for a Busa. Any bike you buy has the potential to be dangerous if you don't exercise a little of the grey matter. One of the guys in the club went straight from a 250 to a Busa and the only thing he hurt was his licence. Have you got it back yet Darren?

Sure, take some time and really think about what you're going to buy, but you know you better than anyone else. If you have a sensible approach buy the Busa. If not...stick to the corolla. In the final analysis, it's your money, your life and your happiness. If you think you could be happy and safer for a while on a lesser bike go that way. If not, get yourself onto a Busa.
Hi Shane,

Going straight from a 250 to a Busa ... well, yes - it will be big change, but IMHO (in my humble opinion) the change from a 250 to a 600 is going to be nearly as mind blowing. Getting 100-120 hp or 175 doesn't really make that much of a difference when you are used to less than 1/3 !

Getting my license in Denmark (back when no 250 restrictions applied), I started on a Yamaha Virago 1000 (the day I got my license), after which I went straight on to a Blackbird (in Perth). Currently, I am on a busa. Every time I have been off the bike for a while or get a new one I get shocked: nothing prepares you for the power !

You mention that you race your car - don't let that cheat you. Racing a car is NOT the same as caning a bike ! With that said, I recommend that you go for the busa if you trust yourself not to run amok until you know the bike.

If it's a busa you want, it's a busa you want (and you won't be happy with anything else).
Right on Bested.
Happy to hear you can and want to think about putting a Busa on the shopping list. Exceptional motorcycle and as previously stated eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeasy to ride for what it is. The scooters only do what we tell them to so again as has already been stated attitude and self control will play a huge part in whether you enjoy it or trash it and/or yourself. Serious business when you think of the Busa's potential and your well being. You and people who know you are the only ones that can give you an honest answer. Wish you well whatever your decision. - regards Jim
Bested and James, Well said!!

Yeah!! Right On...
Well said James, Bested, Gazza,Redbus, Jes.

Back in the pre gulf war days (when I was a lad...etc)
a mate (on his L's) sold his GPX250 and bought a ZX-10.
He only had his learners for 3 months but he (we) had
extensive dirt bike experiance.
He had no probs at all with handling the ten.

As for my 2c worth, go with your heart.

Yeah well to be honest I hadn't ridden a bike for 20 years - decided to start riding again - bought the Busa without even a test ride - gotta tell you though the first ride home was scary as all shit - sort of slipped the clutch in first all the way home :) - 10 minutes later though it was woooohhoooooo!

Just a matter of common sense and respect for the bike ...

I can't imagine riding any thing else now. Have tried everything from Cagiva 900 Raptor and Buells to BMWs - they are just SO SLOW -

Maybe the new GSXR 1000 - but there's just something about the Busa - it's a personality thing ..


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