Dyno and tweaks
I just had some work done on my '99 bus. I had a gutful of the hesitation in the bike when accelerating (through the lower gears especially)

Having numerous Hondas before buying the Bus I found the problem annoying and having spoken to several dealers the consensus seemed to be that it was a problem inherent to Suzukis and not much could be done about it.

As I found out yesterday - what a load of crap - removing a few resistors and enlarging the airbox has made a huge difference to the smoothness of the bike, increased the throttle response and improved hp at the back wheel to around 168 on the dyno. Beforehand it was around 149 - 151. As an added bonus I now get an extra two k's per litre in fuel consumption.

My bike may not now have a complete set of "emmission control fittings" but I bet the actual exhaust emmission measurements are no worse than before because the bike was running VERY rich in standard "out of the factory" form.

Anyone else had these mods done? Comments? Aside from new exhaust systems and turbos, anyone taken these mods further? Results?


I've had the same things done including Yoshi system at Boss' aswell and I'm getting 177 hp at the rear wheel! Cannot argue with that! The bike runs so much smoother with no hesitating during acceleration. Boss seems to be getting the right results.
Anyone who wants info on these mods - go to - www.australianhayabusaclub.com
BigMac, I intend to do the airbox mod very soon, am very interested in hearing about the removal of some resistors that you mentioned. Please elaborate.
Did you mod the airbox yourself? There is mention, in various places, of (inexpensive) kits. I do not know what the kits comprise of, especially since I believe the mods are not complicated and can be done without requiring anything special.

What filter did you put in?
the airbox mod is very very simple to do yourself richard, give me a call and i will explain, won't cost you a cent, and you do not need any expensive air filters either,,
Hi again,

I thought this thread would get some interest ... and rightly so ...

I suppose the airbox mod can be done by yourself but why risk screwing the bike to save a few bucks. The resistor mod involves removing the clutch and various bits and pieces, digging into a sealed sensor unit then removing the CORRECT resistors. Yeah I could probably do it too, but again, same why risk it.

The topper is to have the bike dyno tuned by someone who knows --- boss did mine yesterday as well as a service. You really need to do the whole package to get the benefit but the beauty of the whole thing is that all you are really doing is allowing the donk to run to its maximum potential. No radical mods and the expensive is minimal.

I hung around the whole time and again, although I could probably do the mods myself I wouldn't bother. If you screw it up at home you then have to cart the whole mess somewhere to get it fixed.

As Pete is the one to do the research, work out the details on his own bike to get it right - not to mention spending the $$$ on the dyno - he is the one you should talk to about details.

Try 03 979900531

I doesn't matter if he is part of this club, that club or any other club. He did a good job for me and all I can do is recommend the mods, and Petes work, highly ... even his coffee ain't that bad

If you are not in Melbourne I guess thats another problem but again contact the boss..it is well worth the phone call.

best regards to all

Bmac, All your praises sung are true...had the Boss man do my bike last week and the results are phenomenal. Now with mods there are two ways to go, one being an interested 'I'll try this at home...' or "I better get this done right'. I chose the latter and yep! pete does know what he's doing...no doubts about that! And Busababy, with all due respect, how in the world can you make a claim that an expensive air filter is not needed. The entire modification is based on free flow theory and to clog it up with a cheap third rate filter is not the way to do it. Please, if you want to give advice, give the right sort and not lead people down the garden path...thats not what a club is about!
And if you want to know what gives me the authority, well I own a performance modification warehouse for high performance cars for over 9 years now and I know what brings results in time an time again...and the first place you start is the air intake and air filter! My apologies if I have offended you...not my intention.
well c43 i take no offence, but with all due respect, you should get your facts clear before mouthing off, my information comes from someone who has had a lot more experience with suzuki than you and boss combined,,

so here you are trying to offend me without trying to offend me by declaring to the world that i'm "leading people down the garden path" and that suzuki supply and fit a "cheap third rate air filter" to the busa, this is the same air filter that allows a stock standard busa to perform like no other bike on this planet,,

well i suppose with your 9 year high performance motorcar warehouse experience coupled to boss's 6 months on a busa, you must know better,,

regardless, i (and i suppose most other busa owners) would be extremely keen to see your test performance data (and dyno figures) that you obviously have compiled, measuring the difference between the factory air filter element and your "expensive high performance" after market one - maybe the figures will surprise all of us - it certainly wouldn't make me unhappy,,

no offence intended here either, just responding to clarify,,
Boy oh boy are some of you lot sensitive! I'm glad we are not talking about something serious - like politics ...... next ride day I get to I will go last so you can all be heros ... cmon fellas lighten up ...

Just for info - after the airbox mod the same air filter went back in the bike. I am nor aware of any o better or worse items on the market but it works fine with the one the bike came with.

I am almost sorry I started this thread - not really cos others might benefit.

Anyway I don't give a rats backside who has more experience than who .. the simple fact is that Petes modifications work. Nor could I care less if anyone believes me or not because I am reaping the benefits while you lot argue.

For those interested I will scan the dyno chart as soon as I get a chance and post it for all to see.

bye now


You've missed the point Les, the air box mod is one improvement and the filter is another. The performance filter will improve air flow, with the air box mod or not. Nice to see you bagging Boss yet again. Where did you get 6 months from?(somewhere along that garden path I suppose!) The bagging continues even when he left your board alone.......your a real downwer, Les. Why do you think the other board was started?
I'd be carefull Les or Suzuki might find out how you tried to fit your own manual tensioner that I sold you and when you slipped the cam chain and stuffed it..........well we know the rest don't we. Ride Hard But Safe
No offence taken...I believe in accepting criticism as much as I give it. Nevertheless, if air filters were 100% effective in the manner intended to perform, racing teams around the world would not be using high flow filters..just cheap ones. The point here you see is the one of economic viability and when manufactured to a cost for a mass market purchase then costs are kept down to entice customers with a certain level of set affordability. Thats the economics...which goes on to explain why machines like Ducati's come with KingDragon filters..a K&N alternative, because they are higher priced and allow for the good gear. And maybe your friend has got more experience with Suzuki's and not to take away his know how nor his expertise but an internal combustion motor is an internal combustion motor and they ALL work the same! Fact is fact...around the world..performance filters are used over stock OEM ones (which is not to say that the OEM filter on the Busa is no good..just not great). And you know what, if the Boss has had 6 months experience with The Hayabusa and he has managed to figure out the ins and outs, kudos to him for he has succeeded where others have not and it shows that its not just time but resourcefulness and ingenuity that allows engineering to develop and advance our lifestyles. A better filter gives better performance, its as simple as that (and its not always HP....). Flow rate is an involving subject which is supported by thermodynamics (which incidentally I majored in University for my Grad dip). there are facts that I will certainly concede to me not knowing but this is not one of them....
I feel like the liitle guy who starts the brawl then sits back to watch the fun..... what a hoot...
Is it any wonder I stopped posting here? *shaking my head in dismay*
Nothing that you say or do really surprises me Peter, as you appear to have no boundaries of self-control. As soon as someone disagrees with you, you have no hesitation in suddenly turning on them and issuing threats of violence, as you have done to three members of this club including me.

There is a vast difference between posting differing opinions and posting blatant LIES, as you have now done.

I want to clarify your posting so it’s crystal clear and everyone understands exactly what you are saying.

You claim to have sold me a manual tensioner.
You then say that I tried to fit it myself but slipped the cam chain and stuffed it.
Then you say, “well we know the rest don’t we” implying that what happened to my bike was actually caused by me.

So for your version to be true this is what would have had to happen.

After “I stuffed it,” I reinstalled the original tensioner and then went on a ride with 6 other club members. Then 81 km from my home my original cam chain tensioner spring fails disabling my engine and requiring my bike to be trailed back to Melbourne.

Doesn’t make sense, does it? UNLESS YOUR POST IS A LIE!

Your publicly documented lie as very serious and it implies fraud on my part in which you also implicate yourself. I would not rule out the possibility of legal action at this stage

So do you wish to retract your lie now and apologize or, do you wish to allow your libelous utterances to unfold and cause whatever damage it may?


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