Top Speed Limiter for 2001 Hayabusa?????
Hi, can someone please tell me if there is a Top Speed Limiter for the 2001 Hayabusas!!! I keep hearing different stories from so many different people. Can someone please email me direct with any information reguarding this topic. My email address is:

Yes, there are many rumours. Unfortunately, those in the know are not letting on.

The other rumour I have heard down here is that the 2001 model release is to be delayed, due to the CCT issues (I don't know why it would affect it - perhaps "publicity" when selling a new model and performing recall on last years).

Anyway, it is all rumours. If anybody can tell you anything conclusively and with authority, we'ld love to hear about it here, too.

Good luck on your quest for knowledge.
Truth be said it's pretty academic if there is to be a limitor, as the top speed may drop from 317 to 300. Would lose that anyway if one would change the sprocket as is appealing to many, to get more initial torque.

The only 'limitor' is the ego thing when you park your bike along side an older model and the spectators 'may' note that one speedo shows 340 whilst the other 'only' 300.

But the truth is none of us know the details just yet it's all speculation at this stage. But what ever they come up with no doubt the Busa still reigns and may be more refined and trustworthy with regards to recalls anyway.

Still an awesome machine much like a futuristic prototype. Imagine had you have seen them in Sci Fi films a couple years ago, your jaw would have dropped saying "I want that, I have to have that".
I imagine the most likely effort would be to detune the bike rather than any major engine mods.

How long would it take for some enterprising people to figure out how to retune it again to crank it back up to where it should be? .... then there is always the turbo option I suppose ...

Yeah I have heard a rumour that detuning is what they are doing. but that is still just a rumour as far as I know. I have heard though from someone (I think it was Richard but I"m not entirely sure) that Honda is bring out a new 1300 Blackbird that will do 300 so what's up with that??? Aren't they part fo the delimiting consortium or was that just a ruse to get the fastest bike by making everyone else's slower?
Sorry, Gazza, wasn't me. Although, I would love to see one if it ever comes out. They would have to do something special with appearance, and keep that really nice blue as one colour option... No not changing

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